Chapter 5

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The next day Ratchet and Knock Out were still trying to figure out how to get Drift back to normal.

While Starscream was visiting with his family glad to not be stuck as a sparkling anymore. He was also talking to Megatron who he was on much better terms with now.

While Slipstream and Jetstorm were still taking care of Drift who was currently playing with Starcatcher.

The two sparklings were playing with U.V. and Highfly.

"Hey U.V. what happened to your optic?" Asked Strongarm noticing one of the minicon's optics was missing.

Solarflare who had overhead the question explained how it had been her who blasted it out by accident when she was mad at Megatron for hurting Starscream.

Then Megatron apologized after realizing it had really been his fault.

"It's OK we forgive you." U.V. replied.

Megatron smiled happy that they forgave him. But he still felt bad about how much he had hurt Starscream and his family in the past.

Meanwhile Starscream had started playing with the sparklings as well as Starshine and Highfly.

And they were having fun. Highfly was doing tricks for them.

When Dirft got tired so Slipstream and Jetstorm took him to take a stasis nap. And decided to rest with him.

Then Starscream looked and noticed Starcatcher was gone and quickly spotted the seeker sparkling by just outside the gate where he had crawled.

Starscream rush over and gently picked up his nephew before the sparkling could go anywhere else.

"Hey where do you think your going?" Starscream chuckled. "Knock Out and Strongarm said I almost wondered off while I was turned into a sparkling so I guess we know where you got it from."

"I guess it must be a seeker thing." Starscream joked. "Maybe they call us that because as sparklings we're always seeking out adventures and mischief."

Then he tickled Starcatcher on the midsection earning a giggle from the seekerling.

And started to head back inside the scrapyard when he heard something.

The other had been talking while Knock Out and Ratchet were still in the medbay trying to come up with a way to get Drift back to normal.

When suddenly they all heard a scream come from near the gate. And rushed to see what happened and got there in time to see ShadowRaker run off with Starcatcher who he had just ripped out of Starscream's servos.

And in the process stabbed the adult seeker and shoved him to the ground where he was laying motionless with the sword in him.

While ShadowRaker was running away with Starcatcher who was crying.

Megatron who was now angry took off after them he was going to save Starcatcher and make ShadowRaker pay for what he did to Starscream.

But unfortunately ShadowRaker had a good headstart and Megatron couldn't find where he went. But he was so mad at him he vowed that he wouldn't go back till he found ShadowRaker and made him pay for killing Starscream and kidnaping Starcatcher.

Megatron turned off his com-link not wanting to be called back to the scrapyard before justice was served.

Meanwhile back at the scrapyard Knock Out and Ratchet had both run to where Starscream was laying.

Ratchet was confused because he didn't see any spilled energon anywhere.

Then Knock Out moved Starscream servo and groaned the rolled his optics as he reveled Starscream hadn't been stabbed after all the blade had just gone under his arm in a way that looked like it stabbed him.

And the reason he was unconscious was because he hit his helm when he hit the ground and aside from a dent on the side of his helm he was perfectly fine.

Then the seeker came too worried about his nethfew. And they all went to look for ShadowRaker to rescue Starcatcher and probably ShadowRaker too since Megatron was still looking for him and didn't know that Starscream was fine.

So there was no telling what the former leader of the Decepticons might do to ShadowRaker if he found him before they did.

Meanwhile Jetstorm and Slipstream were sleeping with Drift between them when Knock Out came back to the scrapyard with Starshine, Highfly and U.V.

Since Ratchet had gone with the search party they wanted someone to watch the scrapyard.

They saw the two minicons in recharge with the sparkling between them and thought it look so sweet.

Then suddenly Drift changed back to normal. And woke up and saw both his students sleeping beside him and smiled. He remembered how they took care of him while he was turned into a sparkling and was grateful and proud of them.

Then the two minicons woke up and we're glad to see that he was back to normal.

"Welcome back Drift." Knock Out told him. Then the red medic along with Starshine and the other two minicons explained what was going on and told them about the situation with ShadowRaker.

And Drift, Jetstorm and Slipstream all three agreed to help and went to join the search party to help find and rescue Starcatcher and bring ShadowRaker to justice.

Assuming Megatron hadn't beaten him into the scrapheap yet.

To Be Continued.

Hope this chapter turned out OK and I'm sorry it was kind of short where getting close to the end of this story I was trying to make it my usual 10 chapters but I'm running out of ideas for it. Starshine, Solarflare, Starcatcher, U.V. and Highfly all belong to my friend hannahconkle  and the part about U.V.'s missing optic is from her story TFP the trator cons. Which I highly recommend for you to check out along with her other stories when you get a chance she does great work. I'll try to update everything soon in the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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