Chapter 2

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Slipstream and Jetstorm were taking care of Sparkling Drift and everyone else kept taking turns helping them.

Bumblebee, Strongarm, Sideswipe and Grimlock had gone out to try to capture ShadowRaker. While Fixit it was doing mission control.

And Knock Out and Ratchet who had just gotten there awhile ago were working on the relic trying to figure out how to change Drift back to normal.

While Starscream and Windblade were helping Jetstorm and Slipstream take care of Drift. Starscream actually proved to be pretty good with sparklings to everyone's surprise.

And got Drift to go into recharge in no time by rocking him in his servos. Then gently put him in a crib Denny and Fixit had manged to put together.

And Knock Out and Ratchet had made bottles that they filled with special low grade energon for sparklings.

"You know he's kind of cute like that." Said Windblade looking in the crib at the sleeping sparkling.

"Yeah." Both Jetstorm and Slipstream agreed and even Starscream smiled.

Then the seeker went over to see if he could help with the relic having once been a scientist himself. And wanting to help out anyway he could.

Later Windblade was helping Jetstorm and Slipstream with Drift when they suddenly heard a crash followed by screams and rush over to the medbay to see what happened having recognized the screams as Ratchet, Knock Out and Starscream.

"What happened?" They all three asked at once.

"Well which do you want first the good news, the bad news or the really bad news?" Asked Knock Out.

"Give us the good news then the bad news then the really bad news." Said Slipstream.

"OK the good news is the relic works and the three of us are fine." Knock Out explained.

"The bad news is we dropped it and it broke." He continued.

"And the really bad news is coming right now." Knock Out finished as Ratchet walk out carrying a crying sparkling who they all recognized as Starscream.

"When it broke it also fired and Starscream shoved me out of the way and took the bullet for Ratchet." Knock Out told them.

Then everyone had to cover their audio receptors because Starscream's crying was so loud. And it woke Drift up so now they had two crying sparkings.

"Oh scrap." They all said at once. They also noticed that Starscream's cries were a lot louder then Drift's.

Then Bumblebee and the others got back with Megatron who had shown up on Earth having come to help out.

And they quickly told them about the mishap with the relic. And Megatron had to move do a different part of the scrapyard because sparking Starscream cried everytime the former warlord came near him.

Then Knock Out manged to calmed both sparklings down by blinking his headlights which both sparklings thought was funny and started giggling.

"Good job Knock Out." Ratchet told the other medic.

"That a trick I came up with for whenever I have to work with sparkling at the hospital back on cybertron it's a handy distraction whenever they have to have shots." Knock Out explained.

"And it makes scene that Starscream cries louder all seeker sparklings do so the adults can hear them while their flying." Knock Out added having worked with a lot of seekers before.

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