Chapter 4

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The ship land and Starscream's sister Solarflare came out along with her children Starshine and Starcatcher and two minicons name U.V. and Highfly.

Bumblebee greeted them. And explained what was going on and that Drift had been kidnapped. And they agreed to help out.

Fixit was working on trying to find Drift's signal. While Starshine and both minicons were cooing over Sparkling Starscream thinking he was adorable.

"This brings back memories." Said Solarflare having cared for her little brother as a sparkling after their parents had been killed.

"He so cute." Said U.V.

"Yeah reminds me of when he and Solarflare were kids." Said Highfly.

Then Solarflare put Starcatcher down to play with Starscream. And Highfly and U.V. started playing with them. As well as Starshine who thought Starscream was adorable as a sparkling and he and Starcatcher were cute playing together.

Since Starshine and the Minicons were watching both sparklings the rest of the team focus their attention on finding Drift. Fixit was still trying to find his signal.

Meanwhile Jetstorm and Slipstream were trying to figure out where ShadowRaker had taken Drift.

"I hope Drift is alright." Said Jetstorm.

"Me too." Slipstream replied.

Then they continued looking until they heard crying and saw that it was coming from inside a cave. And both rushed inside and found Drift.

Then Slipstream picked him up and got him to stop crying. And both minicons were relieved to see that he was fine and had just been crying because he was left alone.

Then they were suddenly shot with webs.

"I know that would get you two to come to him." Mocked ShadowRaker. "Now I'm taking all three of you back to my ship."

Then he took them to his ship and lock them in a holding cell and took Drift to another part of the ship.

Later Slipstream and Jetstorm worked together to break out of the holding cell. But crawling through a vent they managed to get open.

"I'll destract ShadowRaker while you sabatoge the ship and make sure it can't fly. Then find Drift and get back to base." Slipstream told Jetstorm who agreed.

Then the two Minicons put their plan into action and Slipstream ran up and hit ShadowRaker and kept running as if playing a game of tag.

It worked and ShadowRaker chased him. And while that was going on Jetstorm broke the ships control panel and damage one of the engines while he was at it. So the ship would be able to fly anytime soon.

Then he went and found Drift and was relieved that the sparkling was fine. Then he took him back to the scrapyard.

Once back at the scrapyard everyone greeted them happy that Drift and Jetstorm were safe and OK.

"Where's Slipstream?" Asked Bumblebee.

"Right here." Slipstream called to them. And they turned to see the minicon standing there.

"Slipstream how did you escape from ShadowRaker?" Asked Jetstorm.

"He made a run for it after I showed him what a great fighter I am." Slipstream told them then grab his arm that had been injured and quickly tried to hide it.

"And I'll admit ShadowRaker has some good moves of his own." Slipstream added sheepishly. And they all shared a good laugh.

"Don't worry I can fix that up for you." Knock Out offered.

And Slipstream accepted and let Knock Out Repair his arm. While they put Drift with the other babies.

And Highfly was happy to have another sparklings to play with. And did some tricks she had done for Starscream and Solarflare when they were young.

Later ShadowRaker saw the damage that had been done to his ship and went to the scrapyard and was now watching from the shadows.

And he noticed that there were now two more minicons and another sparkling.

"Wonder where that third sparkling came from and who does it belong too." ShadowRaker said to himself.

Doesn't matter it will make the perfect bargain chip to get Drift and my Minicons from the Autobots as well as use of their space bridge then I can take my revenge." He added.

He was now forming a plan.

Later Ratchet and Knock Out were working in the medbay when they heard a crash.

And rush over to see what it was knowing it came from where the sparklings were and we're greeted with the sight of Megatron who was struggling to keep a straight face.

And Starscream who was now back to his normal self but stuck in the crib.

Knock Out had to laugh too. The sight of Starscream with the crib stuck to him was hilarious.

"Looks like someone had a growth spurt." Knock Out joked.

"Haha very funny." Said Starscream. "Now please get this thing off me."

"Sure Screamer." Knock Out replied as he and Megatron helped Starscream get the crib that was stuck to his wings off him.

"Welcome back." Megatron said to the seeker.

Then everyone else came and was glad to see that Starscream was back to normal.

"So apparently the effects of the relic can wear off on it's own over time." Said Ratchet.

"Then why hasn't Drift changed back yet?" Asked Bumblebee. "He was charged into a sparkling before Starscream was so why didn't he change back first?"

"Well seeker are none to develop faster. So that might have something to do with it." Knock Out suggested.

"I'm just glad to be back to myself now." Starscream told them.

"But you were a cute sparklings." Windblade told him.

"Thanks." Starscream smiled.

Meanwhile ShadowRaker had run back to the forest having barley avoided being seen.

He had been about to go after Starcatcher when Starscream had suddenly changed back and forced him to leave.

Putting his plan into action was going to be easier said then done. But he was determined to get his revenge.

To Be Continued.

Hope this chapter turned out OK. Solarflare, Starshine, Starcatcher, U.V. and Highfly all belong to my friend hannahconkle  and I'd like to thank her for helping me come up with this chapter and letting me use her OCs. Be sure to check out her work it's really good. I'll try to update soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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