Chapter 1

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It was just a regular day at the scrapyard. Drift was training with his minicons Slipstream and Jetstorm.

When a ship came and landed near the scrapyard so the team went to investigate. And were surprised to see Knock Out and Starscream who had joined the Autobots now emarge from it.

"Hi what brings you two here?" Bumblebee asked them.

"We were sent by Optimus Prime to help you guys out for awhile." Starscream explained.

"Yeah apparently there a relics that's on Earth somewhere that we need to keep out of Decepticon hands." Knock Out added. "So we were sent to help you guys."

"Well the more the marrier." Bumblebee said as he and the rest of the team welcomed them.

After they all went back to the scrapyard for awhile they went to search for the relic.

They split up into teams of two to look for it none of them knew what it was or what it did. Only that it would be bad if the Decepticons got it.

So Knock Out and Starscream went to one location. While Sideswipe and Strongarm went another. And Bumblebee and Grimlock went another and Windblade went with Drift. While Fixit stay at the scrapyard as mission control.

Starscream and Knock Out were looking for the relic but didn't know that Drifts old enemy ShadowRaker was in the area.

Until he suddenly shot Knock Out with webs and started to lung at the red medic with his swords.

But Starscream saw what was going on and tackled ShadowRaker knocking him away from his friend.

Knock Out manged to use his saw to free himself. But ShadowRaker had gotten away and Knock Out saw that Starscream was now laying on the ground hurt having been stabbed by ShadowRaker when he knocked him away from Knock Out.

"This is Knock Out Starscream is down I'm taking him back to the scrapyard for treatment." Knock Out informed the others over his com-link. "And be careful ShadowRaker is in the area."

"We will you just get Starscream fix up." Bumblebee told him. "And everyone be careful."

Then Knock Out took Starscream through the ground bridge when it appeared and got to work treating the seeker's damage. Starscream had been stabbed in both shoulders and had lost a lot of energon.

Knock Out put him in a stasis pod to help him heal faster. After staying in there for a few hours Starscream would be fine but it would still take a couple of days for him to fully heal.

"Thanks for saving me." Knock Out told his unconscious friend before leaving him to rest.

Meanwhile Drift and Windblade had found the relic but ran into ShadowRaker.

Drift and him were fighting and accidentally activated the relic ShadowRaker retreated and Drift rushed over to protect Windblade, Jetstorm and Slipstream who were about to be zapped by it only to be zapped in their place.

Drift fell to the ground as a blinding light flashed. But when Windblade and the two minicons rushed to his side they saw that he was no longer the Drift they knew.

He had been changed into a sparkling.

"What do we do now?" Asked Jetstorm.

"I don't know our Sensai has been turned into a sparkling." Said Slipstream.

"We should let the others know what happened." Windblade suggested.

So they called the rest of the team and took the relic and Drift back to the scrapyard after calling for a ground bridge.

Once back at the scrapyard they had both Fixit and Knock Out look at the relic but unfortunately neither of them could figure out how it work or how to change Drift back.

"Hopefully the effects will wear off on there own." Knock Out told them. "But in the meantime we have a sparkling to take care of."

"He's so cute." Said Strongarm thinking sparkling Drift was adorable.

Windblade agreed and both femme continued to coo over the sparkling.

Just then Sideswipe helped Starscream out of the stasis pod. And he had to do a double take upon seeing Drift as a sparkling.

The seeker just looked at him for a minute before turning around and walk back to where he had just come from.

"Where are you going?" Asked Knock Out.

"Back to the stasis pod I think something went wrong in there I'm seeing Drift as a sparkling." The seeker explained worried he was losing his mind.

"Don't worry your not the only one who sees him that way there was an accident with the relic that changed him into a sparkling." Knock Out cleared things up for his best friend.

"Oh thank goodness." Starscream said with relief happy that he wasn't going crazy.

Then after a few hours of discussing the issue it was decided that Jetstorm and Slipstream would look after Drift when the two minicons volunteered.

And Knock Out and Starscream agreed to help along with Windblade. Because as a medic Knock Out had worked with sparklings before.

And seekers were known to be protective of sparklings so Starscream could help as well. And Windblade just wanted to lend a servo.

And the others left to try to hunt down ShadowRaker and bring him into custody knowing since they were enemies he would take advantage of Drift being a sparkling if he could and found out about it.

And there was no telling what he might try to do. So the sooner they could get him in to custody the better.

And they called Ratchet who was currently on his way to Earth to help try to figure out a way to get Drift back to normal.

Unfortunately the space bridge was under maintenance so he had to take a ship their meaning it would take him a few days to arrive.

But they all decided it might be fun talking care of a sparkling for awhile.

To Be Continued.

Well I finally got the first chapter of this ready. I hope it turned out OK this story was a request from one of my readers. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon in the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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