My First Love

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That day still haunts me,
Where I had Lost my everything.

My world you were,
My first Love you were.

Never in my wildest dreams,
Had I thought of losing you.

Your care and your warmth.
Your infinite Love.

I am missing you so much,
Yet I have to live,
And am living for you.

But you know what,
As the time passes by,

I feel like you are fading away,

Is it because I Don't love you anymore,
Or is it because I had stopped missing you?

Or is it that I finally accepted that you won't gonna come back again.

I don't know anymore but one thing of I am sure,

That there is no one who can love me as much as you did.

Dad, I really want you here with me but I know that you can't.

May be that's why,
I had stopped looking at your picture,

So that, it won't remind me of you and your love.

But you know what,

You are always by my side,
Through your wisdom that you bestowed upon me.

My memories of you are for now enough to live with.

Until then, will you watch over me,
Like you always did.

I know that each one of us will have to taste death,

You had tasted it before me and I will too one day.

And then we will meet once again.

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