Chapter Five ➞ I take you to the Perfume Shop

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To my surprise when I got home, Dawn was in the living room with a girl

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To my surprise when I got home, Dawn was in the living room with a girl. They were frantically kissing and Dawn's hands were tangled in the girl's hair which was a neon blue wig. I had the decency to feel bad for Paris for just a moment before I slammed the door shut to alert Dawn of my presence. He immediately broke away from the girl and turned to me.

"Aren't you supposed to be at your new job?"

Dawn nodded, "In 10 minutes, and it's right up the street."

I took notice of the fact that he was wearing a Safeway uniform. Great, that meant he could actually pick up some groceries every now and then.

After Dawn sent the girl on her way, we both sat at the kitchen island for a moment.

"So, what do you have planned for today?" Dawn questioned as he brushed the sides of his fade. I sighed heavily, feigning boredom, "You know me, if it's not with Paris, I never do anything."

Dawn chuckled, "You're right about that. I tell you what though, my boy Evan is throwing a party this weekend up at the Maddox house. Mom already told me it's cool if you go so if you and Paris wanna' slide through..."

Mom needed to realize that I was 18 already and therefore did not need her permission.

Would I say that to her face, though? Never. She would whoop me into outer space and then I'd come back and she'd whoop me again. So, I settled for rolling my eyes and letting it go. The bright side was that a party didn't sound bad and Ether would surely be there. On the other hand, Ether being there could turn out to be a disaster if our fragrance shop rendezvous went wrong.

But somehow, I didn't see that happening.

"You know Paris is always down to see you," I teased, knowing I would get a reaction from Dawn. To my surprise, he actually smiled which caused me to panic a little. Luckily, he changed the subject before I could question his motives, "Okay well, just make sure you don't dress the way you did the last time I invited your ass to a party."

"Dawn, don't tell me how to dress."

"I'm just saying, I'm not trying to have to fight a dude."

"You won't have to fight anybody because I can definitely handle myself, know this."

"Yeah, that's cool and all until some twenty-five year old is pushing up on you."

"twenty-five or eighteen, I will stomp on a bitch."

Dawn smirked and I knew I had convinced him of whatever the hell he needed convincing of. "Fine, but I'm serious, just try not to be too flashy with the dress code."

"I'll do my best, now hurry up before you get fired before you even clock in."

Dawn looked at the time displayed on the oven and dashed around the counter and out of the door without another word, thank God.

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