Chapter Twenty-One ➞ "If I'm yours..."

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"If I was your girlfriend, could you love for two?"

- Nao | Girlfriend

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In the time that Ether and I had grown closer, things between Paris and I had grown more distant

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In the time that Ether and I had grown closer, things between Paris and I had grown more distant. I had been so caught up in what was happening between him and I that I didn't notice a difference until I came across Paris in the bathroom that Monday.

Her back was turned away from me as she faced herself in the mirror, but upon my entry, she didn't say a word. I had only come to re-apply my lipgloss, which meant that I stood right next to her and still— nothing.

As if the universe was trying to make even more of a point, Ariana, the girl who tried to make a move on Ether, and a few of her friends entered right behind me. Right away, Paris' face lit up and she immediately turned to greet the group.

"Well, call me Casper because I must be fucking invisible," I mumbled to my reflection, watching their exchange go down with a particular passiveness to my expression.

I had seen Paris ice someone out before in a similar way, but I had never expected to be on the receiving end of her bullshit. The girls chatted amiably while I finished primping my curled hair before heading to the door to leave the room. My hand was on the doorknob when my invisibility cloak lost its effect all of a sudden.

"Oh, hey Ann! Girl, I didn't even see you there."

If Paris sounded any faker, I might have turned around and slapped her. Instead, I didn't bother with turning back around with my response, "Hey, bitch."

I was sure by the mellow tone of my voice that she knew I wasn't stupid, and I had an even lower tolerance for fake pleasantries since spending time with Ether. I didn't know what it was, but he opened me up to different possibilities. He made me want to live my life even more unapologetically. Every moment I had with him was encapsulated in phenomenal meaning. I was changing for the better by the day, and maybe Paris wasn't meant to be a part of that picture.

The final connection between the two of us seemed to finally sever itself the moment that I left the bathroom. And I was okay with that.

For the past twenty minutes of class, Ether had been staring at me with a smile on his face. Frankly, I had been smiling the same way all day. That didn't stop me from pretending not to know his reasoning.

"What's that look for?" I asked, disregarding the fact that we were supposed to be reading.

Ether shrugged, "I'm just thinking about the moment in my car when you told me that you wanted to be with me."

My lips twitched with amusement, "First of all, I didn't say all that."

"Oh, but you showed me that you meant it yesterday."

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