Chapter Seven ➞ Intimately Yours

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I don't know how long we stood there feeling the shape of each other's lips, but he had to be among my top three best kisses

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I don't know how long we stood there feeling the shape of each other's lips, but he had to be among my top three best kisses. I knew he would be, though, how could he not when he had lips as full as those.

I could hear the sound of my own small moans as he allowed his lips to peruse down my jaw and finally to my neck. Contrary to our time at Macy's, this time he was full-on kissing it. I found myself placing my hands on his forearms to ground my soul in my body.

"Okay, I gotta' go," were the words I chose to say, because if I didn't, we would likely end up doing something even more rumor-worthy. No matter though, I knew for a fact no one had seen us and in order to keep doing what I wanted, I needed it to stay that way.

"I'll take you home after school,"

"You could ask."

Ether smiled agreeably, "Can I take you home after school, Ann?"

"You can," I said, pleased that he rephrased his statement, "And call me something other than Ann, I've always hated that."

"I'll think on it." He said.

A playful glint in his eye tweaked my growing attraction to be a decibel higher. I had never seen a more perfectly proportionate face than his, the contortions of his expressions all felt purposely arousing. Like he stood in front of the mirror and contemplated exactly which expressions would draw the most attention. There was something meticulous in the way his soft lips parted, allowing a sliver of white teeth to peek through.

I left him behind in that hallway, still feeling that tingling sensation on my lips. I didn't even realize I was smiling until I caught my reflection in the restroom.

Despite having the rest of our classes together, Ether and I seemed to have a consensus that it was best to lay low especially because the desire between us was new, but burning stronger than I was accustomed to. Ether wasn't the first person I had a secret 'affair' with, but something about it was already seeping into my skin in an addictive way. He was masterful at foreplaying, a simple touch to the inside of my wrist as he allowed me to borrow a pencil in Mathematics had me clenching my thighs together.

It wasn't often that a guy Ether's age knew how to illicit such profound reactions from me, but I imagined that he was thinking the same thing when I made a point of leaning too close to him to ask an innocuous question.

His deep inhale let me know that he could smell the hint of the perfume he picked out, that I applied before leaving the house, and the pause before he answered my question was answer enough for exactly how my closeness made him feel. "Ann, do you want me to lose it?"

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