Chapter Seventeen ➞ In Too Deep

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"What the hell are you wearing?"

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"What the hell are you wearing?"

Dawn stood in the living room wearing a hot pink onesie that looked a lot like an Easter bunny costume.

"It's Spirit week," he shared as an answer to my question, "Yeeeah," I said slowly, "I know that, but you're faculty now— so again, what the hell are you wearing?"

"Don't blame me for being cool enough to participate," He retorted.

"I am participating."

"You're wearing a bodysuit and leggings, which is wildly inappropriate seeing as I can see the shape of your butt cheeks through it."

"I'll ask Ether," I said, as the tall specimen walked into the apartment. How he made a black onesie look sexy was beyond me, he wore it halfway down and had a black t-shirt on underneath. His silver dog tags glinted as he stepped into the light.

We briefly had one of those moments where there was an unspoken look that passed between us, a memory of yesterday boxed into one expression. Fuck me.

Tauntingly, Ether's eyes stroked the length of my figure, landing on the "shape of my butt cheeks," as Dawn had unwittingly pointed out, before returning to my smirking face.

"You should change," he said, with a simpering look of his own.

"I should?" I dared him to double down.

"You should," he emphasized.

Dawn crossed his arms, obviously standing firm on his opinion as well. In his pink onesie, he looked downright comical.

"Well, I'm not so get the fuck out of my way."

I pushed past both of them to exit the apartment. There was no way in hell I was changing after spending all morning putting together my outfit. The black tights with my onesie were a classic look that Paris and I had specifically picked out in advance, we planned on matching and that wasn't going to change.

Besides, someone had to be best-dressed.

"They're not going to let you in the school dressed like that," Dawn made one last attempt as we were walking down the apartment stairs. I couldn't resist laughing, "Dawn, Dawn, Dawn, we both know that's not true."

What I was wearing would be modest compared to what everyone else had going on. Besides, they should have specified what kind of onesies weren't allowed. I blamed the administrator's office. Which meant Dawn himself in a sense.

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