Chapter Sixteen ➞ Dare to Dream

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Chapter does contain graphic sex, this is my final warning for this story, any other acts of sex will be unexpected as I don't want to take away from the story.

Dawn was finally openly showing interest in Paris, to the point that he actually invited her out on a date

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Dawn was finally openly showing interest in Paris, to the point that he actually invited her out on a date. As if the stars had aligned, their date was scheduled on the same day as Ether and I's.

I was still in disbelief that I had agreed, but the night of, as Paris and I got ready I was distinctly burdened with butterflies. Excited butterflies. Paris was wearing a little black dress, as Dawn was simply taking her out to dinner, but Ether was taking me somewhere far more casual so I opted for a t-shirt dress with sneakers, and a denim jacket.

Dawn took one look at me and narrowed his eyes with suspicion, "Where are you going?"

I looked at him through wide, innocent eyes, "Dawn, why must you always think I'm up to something? I'm simply going for a walk today."

He snorted, "Yeah, okay. Just know that if I catch even a whiff of you getting into something, I'm on your ass."

"You've been losing a lot of cool bro' points lately."

Dawn rolled his eyes, looking a lot like me when I did the same thing, "I'm just looking out for you, you know this."

Luckily, Paris emerged from my room shutting down all conversation. I looked away, allowing her and Dawn a moment to take each other in. I was getting a little antsy with them still being there, but Ether knew not to come up until I texted him that the coast was clear.

"Have fun!" I called after them as they finally left, leaving behind the smell of Paris' overwhelmingly floral perfume.

Speaking of...I hurriedly lathered my legs in some lotion last minute. The last thing I needed was to show up unreasonably ashy for my first date in well...well forever.

Mark had never taken me on any dates, we went to parties together, went to his house, even met his family, but still no dates. It wasn't exactly a common occurrence amongst high school guys. And after Mark, I had removed it entirely as an option.

Right when I finished applying lotion, a solid, increasingly familiar, knock rattled my senses. I found myself studying my reflection in the hallway mirror and smoothing the small crease in my makeup. Good as ever, I concluded, before making my way to the front door.

I had to admit that I took a deep breath before even reaching for the knob. I had no idea I cared so much about how the date would go until it was right in front of me.

Ether knocked again, and I shook off my nerves momentarily before flinging the door open.

His smiling eyes swept me off my feet, and then suddenly he was pulling me into a warm hug that would've lasted longer had I not pulled away, "Chill, you're going to mess up my makeup."

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