chapter 22: the mines

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After the incident jaune was locked in one of the cells, for his own safety and everyone else's. Marrow was taken to the medical ward for immediate treatment and so was Pyrrha, they were worried she had a concussion or something, she had hit her head pretty hard afteral.

After a checkup the results showed there was no concussion, it was just a bit of a bump on her head nothing else. Marrow was in pretty bad shape, he needed stitches, he needed to be bandaged and he needed some rest, so he wasnt allowed on the next mission, and it's as being discussed Wether or not Jaune would be coming on the mission, his behaviour made him a wildcard and they couldn't risk that so they needed to be sure he wouldn't do anything like that again.

One day later.

James, Qrow, Winter and Clover had all sat down and discussed what was going to happen on the next mission, it was just a simple clear mission but it was dangerous because of the large amounts of dust that would be all over the place. One bullet even skims the dust and the whole place goes BOOM.

They decided to let Jaune go on the meeting with his team's supervison. With Pyrrha's supervision. She of course accepted these terms, maybe she could try talk to Jaune on the mission?

They all geared up, with their improved weapons and new clothes to fit the natural environment of atlas.  Pyrrha even helped Weiss with her hair, braiding it for her into a long soft beautiful plat.

"Okay we should get going" she tied the end of the plat and smiled softly at the ice queen "you'll have to fill me in on everything later, liek what did I miss? How's everyone been? Ren and Nora a thing yet? You and Ruby a thing yet?"
Weiss was mostly letting Pyrrha ramble but then she heard 'you and Ruby together yet?' and she abruptly grabbed Pyrrha's shoulders and stared at her with wide confused eyes. Her cheeks stained a soft red. "What do you mean me and Ruby together yet..? She's just my partner...."
"Suuuuure she is, that's why your blushing right now, and that's why your wearing red earings and was wearing a red scarf, your so pbvious about your feelings Weiss" she gave her a quick squeeze then pat her head "okay let's go, don't wanna be late on your first official mission do you?"

Pyrrha lead the way to the airship, Weiss trailing close behind her like a shy little sister, Weiss had admired and adored Pyrrha and her strength in the past, it seemed that she still did, accept now she missed her too, going through the loss of her friend made it so much more precious to finally have her back. And it wasn't just Weiss who thought like that, it was all of them her team most of all.

"Hey clover everyone here?" She hoiseted herself into the ship and sat in the co pilot seat.
"Yes ready for take off!" Clover gave his usual smile, giving her a thumbs up before begining to take off. While Jaune was sat in the back of the ship, quietly brooding.

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