chapter 27: victory party.

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A doctor asessed Pyrrha's condition and stated she just needed rest, she had been pushing herself to far, and was straining her heart and lungs more then they could handle. Pyrrha naturally had no intention of listening to any of what the doctor had to say. But as soon as word got to the general he demanded she be kept in her room, and that she wasn't too be left alone... Although, that meant she'd most likely be watched by a guard all night since everyone else had plans. It was the group's night off, a time to just relax.
Blake and Yang were going to a nightclub with team FNKI, Weiss was going to the movies with Oscar and Jaune. Ruby, Nora, and Ren were all going to Robyn's premature victory party since Penny and Marrow were acting as security there. And all the other ace ops were either working or going over plans with the general.

Two guards had been stationed outside Pyrrha's room, making sure she couldn't leave, one guard was instructed to sit and supervise her to make sure she didn't leave her bed or hurt herself more then she already had.

Weiss wanted to check in on her friend before departing with Jaune and Oscar, Slowly slipping into the room with the guards permission. The two boys trailing behind quietly... Jaune not making a peep.
"You doing okay Pyrrha? I know you probably don't like being babysat... But you can't blame the general for being cautious" she sat at her friends bedside and reached for her hand, brushing her thumb over it softly "I can stay if you'd like? That way I can watch you instead of a guard?"
"No no you should go out, you've all been really busy and working really hard, go enjoy yourself Weiss, please?" She gave her most convincing smile and squeezed Weiss's hand, glancing over at Jaune and immediately regretting the decision to make eye contact.
She was pale, looked exhausted and most of all looked uncomfortable... They couldn't just leave her alone.

Before Weiss could object Jaune stepped forward "I'll stay, you two go enjoy yourselves okay? I barely do any work anyway I don't really deserve a break when all I did was escort children to school" he let out a soft laugh and sat beside his old partner.
The schnee wasn't one hundred per cent sure if it was a good idea to leave them alone but.. that way Pyrrha wasn't alone right? And she did really want a break.

The two left the old teammates alone and made their way to the cinema.

"I'll stay with her you can leave" the guard nodded and left the room in an orderly fashion. Letting an awkward silence wash over the room. Both hushing even their breathing.
"So um... Have you been sleeping-? You just look a little tired is all.."
"I'm fine."
"Alrighty then... Um, do you want  something to drink or eat? I can put the TV on or um..."
"I said I'm fine."

"Pyrrha for god sake your not fine- sorry I didn't mean to sound rude- I just... Do you remember at Beacon when you took me up to the roof and... Suggested we train together? Do you remember how I yelled at you and... Adamantly refused any help because I believed I could do it on my own, and if I couldn't then It was my problem?"
The red head let out a soft sigh, her scowl softening into a frown "yeah I remember..."

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