7- the start of something new

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i'm back baby >:3))

tommy woke the next day confused as usual, he eventually remembered that his dream wasn't true, he wasn't sat next to his father by a camp fire, no he was with people who wanted to fight, and so did he, he never necessarily agreed with everything they said but they had a common goal in mind and as much as tommy hated to admit it he had grown closer to group that consisted of eret, shclatt, fundy, quakity, and niki all once members and friends with his former family

tommy's bones cracked as he slipped out of his tent he looked about the misty opening of forest that they had inhabited, the camp looked out into a fairly large lake and by the edge he could see the ears of fundy and what he guessed was eret due to the sword that leaned against the tree near by "morning" tommy said his voice still raspy from waking up
"morning tommy how are you?" eret asked watching fundy kick at the stones by the water
"i'm alright" tommy stated rubbing his eyes and sitting on a near by log
"oh hey tommy!" fundy said turning around to see the blonde
"hey fundy" tommy said tilting his head to the side wondering how fundy had so much energy, was this what people used to think of him? no, he didn't find fundy annoying.

the day passed and now the rest of the group was up, it was decided that fundy and eret would leave to try and get some meat for dinner while shclatt, tommy and niki stayed behind.

niki lit the fire as the air turned colder she hummed watching tommy carefully out of the corner of her eye, she had been worried about him recently, of course there was the fact his whole personality was different and he was a lot more closed off but she'd began to realise he'd even been quiet around them recently, she settled on talking to schlatt and eret about it later, she watched as tommy balanced on the rocks looking out into the river her mind drifting to a memory from when tommy first joined them, he was bruised, scared and very recently blind he had told them why he'd ran away, she had immense sympathy or the boy, she knew what it felt like to be pushed to the side, made felt like your thoughts aren't worth anything, so the group helped tommy, now he walked confidently around the woods even with his blindness, he had learnt to fight again. tommy's personality had changed and everyone knew it, tommy had a intimidating aura around him, he'd once scared both niki and fundy without even realising it, but the thing very one missed most was the gleam of hope in tommy's blue eyes, now tommy's eyes where a pale shade a grey, frozen over like a lake

niki sighed standing up and walking over to him
"niki" he said hearing her footsteps behind him
"hey tommy" niki said smiling sitting down on the rock next to the one he was standing on "tommy" she said quietly
"yes?" he asked looking in her direction, she met his eyes, although he hadn't a clue, she stared into his greyed eyes her eyebrows furrow "smile for me" she said
"no" tommy said
"yes smile. now" niki pressed
"but why" tommy persisted
"no buts. smile now"
he sighed heavily as niki looked at him hopefully, he rolled his eyes and smiled, niki smiled back hugging her knees "good" she said happy
tommy's smile faded instantly before he sat back down on the rock
"tommy cmon tell me what happened" niki said softly


"am i wrong for wanting something?" he asked for once sounding his age, niki looked sadly at him
"it's good to be selfish sometimes toms" she said honestly
"right" tommy nodded looking back to his friend suddenly saddened that he'd forgotten what her and the rest of the group had looked like

"i've forgotten" tommy said quietly
"forgotten what tommy?" she asked
"what you all look like". silence

shclatt watched from a distance his arms folded he let out a hesitant sigh bile fire heading back to the camp

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