8- tommy, come down

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TW suicide attempt

the loud chatter of the group was beginning to bug tommy, he wasn't sure why usually he would have even joined in a little, but he could feel himself getting more comfortable with the group and that scared him, he couldn't take losing another person close to him. he turned to eret "i'm just gonna go wash my face" tommy whispered to him, eret nodded giving tommy a pat on the back as he watch the younger leave into the shadow, eret turned back to the group sipping on his soup niki had made

tommy smiled as he disappeared into the shadows he climbed high up onto a perch of rocks thats the 5 had once had a picnic at. he swung his legs over the edge hearing the rushing water below him, frankly he felt at peace, his mind was clear, that was until the vices returned screaming at him loudly  he frowned a little biting his finger nails as he swung his feet
dont listen tommy
he backed away a little running his finger through his hair
but he real and just jump
you dense mother fucker
tommy shuddered a little his hair blowing wildly in the wind he heard the chatter stop from bellow him
you're worth more, tommy
the voices continued to fight in tommy's mind he stood up hesitantly feeling his balance weaken
you want my opinion?
eret s voice echoed in tommy's head confusing him
no one asked for your opinion
wilburs voice spoke with confidence, tommy held his head in his hands tears falling from his eyes
techno spoke this time, tommy's head began to physically hurt making him cry more
no one asked for your thoughts!

eret had noticed it was taking tommy a while to return and grew worried, he stood up "just going to check on tommy" he explained before walking off he headed out the way he'd seen tommy leave looking around the lake bay before glancing up, tommy eret saw him swaying at the edge of the cliff and covered his mouth to avoid screaming "guys!" he said loud enough to draw the rests attention to him "get over here!" he continued hearing the group behind him and knowing they'd realised what he'd seen
"tommy!" niki yelled in shock walking forward

be done with this now and jump off the cliff
can you hear me tommy
i'm talking to you~

tommy hesitated before plunging into the murky water below him, his friends screamed in shock watching his body drop

you're just a pawn in their games

"TOMMY NO!" shclatt screamed running into the water looking around for the child he'd began to look at like a son, the rest followed behind him al soaking their clothes in order to find their friend

they saw the blonde hair bob above the water, schlatt and eret were first to him picking his seemingly lifeless body up and lifting him out the water, his breathing was shallow, fundy and niki ran over
"oh god come on tommy breathe" niki said tears running down her face

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