2- Changes

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Tommy awoke confused, no sight, nothing he could feel his eyes widened yet he couldn't see anything but black his breathing fastened he could hear the faint chatter of techno and wil outside what he presumed was his room he sat up unsure what way he was facing but he could feel his bedside table next to him, forward he was facing forward, he nodded to himself feeling the aches and groans around his body telling him he was injured he sighed heavily trying to calm himself even just a little

wil and techno had waited outside tommy's room as phil went to get food for them all, they idly talked when they heard a sigh from the room wil opened the door to check on him and upon seeing him awake smiled brightly he walked over quickly to tommy "your awake great!"

time skip brought to you by my new phone

it had been about a month since tommy lost his vision he could just barely tenner what his family members looked like, tommy had changed hugely in the past month, he talked less, laughed less, but the others seemed to think he'd return to his usual self soon... boy where they wrong. tommy's mobility had improved he could make his way around fine relying on senses such a smell and hearing to navigate, sure he could get lost easily but he'd barely left the area. at the current time- tommy sat quietly staring at what he presumed was a window when he heard a door open his head turning in the direction instantly "it's phil" the voice spoke, phil walked over to tommy and sat next to him "yeah i need to cut your hair toms" he said with a small chuckle, tommy nodded and turned towards him

phil cut his hair carefully before standing up again "tommy?" he said quietly, tommy nodded waiting for his response, "are... are you ok tommy?" by default tommy nodded his head slowly, it was clear he was becoming colder to phil and the rest and it was scaring phil. he didn't want to lose tommy "alright toms, love you" phil said standing up and closing the door as he left

Phil being the father figure he is instantly went to go complain to techno, a bad habit but techno always listened to him when it was needed, he spotted techno sitting on a near by wall cleaning his sword "techno!" phil called heading over to the pink haired man "yeah?" he asked turning towards phil
phil sighed and sat down next to him "i'm worried about tommy" he said honestly
"we all are" techno stated placing his sword down next to him
"no... i'm worried about his mental state" he said staring at the blue sky
"i... never thought about that..." techno said leaning his head in his hands "he has been quiet recently"
"and tommy being quiet is weird" phil said with a sad smile "i want happy tom back..." he said quietly, techno looked at him concerned "me too.."

a/n sorry this is so shit lmao

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