almsot losing someone (perosnal a/n)

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you might never get to see her again

or hug her

or be near her

or get her marmalade again

or get her cooked breakfasts

or her cups of tea

or her fairy sandwiches

or hear her call you pet lamb

or never hear her opinion on easter eggs

or her stories

or her complains about alcohol

or how she looks at mum

but her memory is here just like granddad

she would never understand why i'm upset but she with out fail cheered me up, her smile everything about my granny, the way her eyes light up when me and my siblings walk in.

old age is a cruel thing, and as i'm posting this tears are streaming now my face

i know i'm lucky to have her as one of my biggest roles models and it's sad that i've turned to wattpad to let my emotions out

i just hope she's not scared

i'm not ready for her to go yet.

any questions, feel free i want the world to know about her

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