egginnit (alivebur)

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((i saw this in the comments and thought id go from there, excuse me if the writing is sloppy lol I'm  using my pc))

{song for this story-  Always Like This by Bombay Bicycle Club

((also non manipulative alivebur for me sanity))

tommy awoke groggily, unusual he thought, he didn't remember going to bed but that wasn't the first time he had a hazy memory. He sat looking at his body that had grown fragile over the years of wars he has endured, it had been about 2 months since Wilbur was back, and if he was honest he doesn't see his older brother that often. he stood up walking over to his door, tommy opened the door cautiously even though he knew it was just puffy behind the door from her light singing.

puffy had grown closer to tommy since his return from exile, tommy hated it, or so he was trying to convince himself, she wasn't exactly tubbo but she kept him from his thoughts. he sighed heavily "why are you in my house puffy" he said scratching his forehead as he sat down            "what do you mean tommy we had an agreement" she huffed crossing her arms a playful glare on her face "yeah yeah" tommy said giving up, he sighed and picked up his axe techno had given him...techno... not today he thought "I'm going on a walk captain pussy" he drawled walking out the door, Tommy's mood lightened the outdoors usually having that effect on him.

about 30 minutes passed, tommy had collected quite a bit of wood while on his walk and decided it was time to head home, he stopped abruptly hearing a stick break "who's there-" a piece of cloth was shoved into Tommy's mouth, ant grinned his eyes glowing brightly as he dragged the younger boys limp body away a chuckle escaping his mouth as he caught the eye of bad.

Wilbur's pov

wil yawned watching his dad and techno spar, the two danced creating patterns in the snow, he stretched and stood up from his rather uncomfortable seat on the roof, he jumped down as the two stopped "hey dadza?" wil asked walking over to the smaller man, his tall lean figure wasn't quite as tall as techno but close "yes wil" Phil replied clipping his dark green cloak back around his shoulders glancing a techno while he did the same "have you heard from tommy recently" he said nonchalantly, both Phil and techno flinched at it "no I haven't why?"

wil paced slightly the snow crunching under his feet, "nothing just thinking of going to meet him again soon" he turned to see their reaction, techno v grimaced while Phil just looked confused a look of conflict on his face "I see...I might join you Phil said hastily causing wil to raise his eyebrow "me too" techno said with a sight "not to see tommy though i need to talk to puffy", the two nodded

about 20 minutes later they were ready to leave for tommy's home. after about an hour of trudging through snow and the nether they arrived at the community house, hungry and tired they looked about relived, techno leant his trident on the wall of the community house and leant back slightly watching Phil and wil converse then he noticed white hair and curled horns appear round the corner, puffy looked slightly troubled but smiled as she saw the three "hello you three!" she said walking over, her captains uniform as polished as always her face half lit by the setting sun, puffy wasn't much smaller that Wil but taller than Phil

"puffy! hello how have you been?" Phil asked smiley like usual as he turned to face the girl       "oh I've been grand, by chance have you seen tommy?" she asked worried, he was meant to be back long before now maybe he had got caught up with them, wil raised a eyebrow "no actually, he's why we're here we wanted to visit" he said a pit of instinct growing inside of him  as he thought of where tommy could be "where have you checked we can help find him" Phil said staying optimistic as usual. "everywhere" she stated a small frown on her face. even techno was slightly worried, it wasn't like tommy to run off, he liked company to much "odd" techno confessed picking up his trident.

tommy pov

tommy woke confused and dazed, his eyes darted around the cold damp area he had been left in by god knows who, maybe it was a prank? not a very funny one he thought, he tried to move but found he had been tied up with rope, how annoying, "ok don't panic tommy" he whispered to himself, once his eyes adjusted to the lighting he noticed a black curtain that seemed to be glowing red? how odd. a loud bang came moments later until a short, dark haired demon walked in a white grin smiled across his face "oh tommy" his voice came colder than tommy ever thought it could

Tommy's memory of bad was always joyful and playful, what happened? he gulped as the demon walked closer to him, bad clasped him by the back of hid top, dragging him out through the curtain, Tommy's eyes strained at the brightness... the egg. tommy had been near it before and nothing had happened to him unlike others, bad had said something about a sacrifice but he thought it was a joke at the time.. shit he was in deep now, his body twisted trying to get free, "its no use, even if you did escape you wouldn't get very far...the egg needs you tommy Minecraft" bad said his voice void of emotion 

Wilbur and the others pov

something didn't sit right with any off them, they searched for another hour, still nothing, suddenly puffy stopped her face dropping even more, Phil turned around confused "puffy?" he asked worried the other stopped turning nervously "there is only one place we haven't checked and that's" she trailed of her palms clamming up...surely not. techno sucked a deep breath in in realization "the egg" he spoke after a moment of silence "fuck!" wil screamed darting quickly in the direction of the entrance to the egg followed by Phil, Techno and Puffy.

at the entrance stood the figure of a cat, ant who raised his sword as they came towards him, puffy nodded to them "you go in ill take ant!" she called raising her axe as the others darted past a cursing ant, "TOMMY?!?!" both techno and wil called out, Phil silently following to worried to speak

bad looked up as he heard the echoing calls through the caves, he sighed looking down to the shaking tommy who had spat out the cloth in his mouth "WIL?! TECHNO?!" he screamed his voice hoarse, bad slapped the already injured boy picking up the gag and stuffing it back in his mouth "this needs to happen now" he grimaced dragging tommy closer to the egg

Wilbur's heart broke at the calls of his younger and by techno's and Phil's face the felt a similar way, eventually they reached a small dark room with a black curtain glowing red, blood stained the floor, techno got the the curtain first pulling it away to reveal bad dragging tommy along behind him, techno raised his bow "BAD!" he called as the other 2 entered the room, their faces contorting in shock like his had done, the demon turned a horrid grin placed on his face "you wont stop me techno, you wouldn't shoot and old friend" bad said with a shrug, oh how wrong techno thought, he looked to tommy who seemed to be going in and out of consciousness, techno aimed the bow at bad's elbow "oh how wrong you are" he said firing the arrow that hit bad's arm, he dropped to the floor in pain before ender pearling away, wil cheered and ran for tommy 

"toms, c'mon bud wake up" wil said lifting the boys head up and pushing his hair out of his face, will's hands shook as he held the younger boy, techno crouched down beside him as well taking a potion of healing out of his pocket, opening the small glass bottle he slowly poured it into Tommy's mouth "ill get puffy" Phil said worriedly, after all she knew the most about healing, wil nodded content with the fact his brother was asleep

an hour or two passed, tommy sleeping soundly in his bed, bandaged and safe, muffled laughing came from the room over, the four joked taking their mind of the recent situation as much as possible. 


plz follow mw on twitch; kaykay2345_  

thanks for reading! let me know ur opinions)

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