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"Are you just going to stare at me?" I asked as we sat in his red impala outside of my house

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"Are you just going to stare at me?" I asked as we sat in his red impala outside of my house.

Yes outside of my house.

I listened to my mum, I changed clothes and walked out of my house after kissing Alaïa goodbye. And that was 30 minutes ago. We haven't moved and we were just sat here in silence while Oscar stared at me like a creep.

"You're staring like a creepy with your bald head ass. So are you going to drive or you want me to get out of this car? I have a daughter to take care of." I said not hiding my annoyance. This is not how I was expecting whatever this is to go. I don't even know what I expecting.

"You're so fucking impatient why is that?" He questioned his brows furrowed, I did the same thing and looked over at him.

"We're sat outside my house. You haven't start this car." I pointed out motioning to his steering wheel.

"Who taught you how to drive?" My mouth dropped open as he changed the subject. Was he not listening to me? I scoffed silently, so much for a date.

He was expecting an answer from me but I did not want to answer his stupid irrelevant question. But one look at him and I knew he was waiting for an answer.

I sighed "Josh." I kept my answer short.

"Fucked him yet?" I choked at his question. With my eyes wide, I stared at him. He sat there with a stone cold face and I was having a hard time deciding whether this was a joke.

"What are you even talking about?! He is my best friend Oscar...plus he's bi and from what I've heard this past week he's heavily into guys. What.. you're into him?" I questioned sassily crossing my arms to my chest.

I was going to throw a tantrum.

My words were met with silence before he spoke up again.

"Remember what you use to do in that seat right there?" His question made my cheeks turn red. I bit the inside of my cheeks staring straight ahead.

"You remember Leigh-Anne?" He asked again trying to get an answer out of me. He had to try harder than that.

"You remember when you ran your hands up and down my thighs and then it lingered over my zipper and before you know it, your hands was wrapped around me? You remember what followed after?" I bit my cheeks harder, so hard I was afraid that I was going to take out a large chunk of my insides.

"Your mouth wrapped around me. That sweet mouth." I felt chills run down my spine and I closed my eyes the memories coming to mind.

"How about when we would go to the beach, I'd park my car. We'd get in the backseat and I'd treat you exactly the way you should be treated. Like a fucking Queen. Mi reina." I couldn't stop myself and I stared at him but he wasn't looking at me but he was staring ahead.

"I resent you Oscar." His head snapped to me and his lips parted slightly. I chuckled at his reaction but I was amused by my choice of words.

"I resent you so much for all the shit you put me through but I resent the fact that despite all of this, I still feel for you. I fucking burn for every inch of you. You had me wrapped around your fingers 5 years ago and you still have me wrapped around your fingers now."

"I want you back." He said a small smirk on his face.

"You want me back? Just like that?" I questioned playfully not liking how serious this conversation turned out to be.

"Hop in the back seat and I'll make it up to you. Sure your mum wouldn't mind seeing me on-." My hand flew infront of his mouth to stop him from continuing his sentence.

I knew he was right because I could see that my mum was peaking out the window and I also knew her too well.

He laughed removing my hand in front of his mouth and held it, his fingers lacing with mine.

"We got problems Hermosa.." His voice turned cold as he looked out the window. I stared at his head which held mine tightly.

"19th street still want to fuck with us.. fuck with me.. you." He glanced at me a serious look on his face. I clenched my jaw. That's exactly what I was expecting..

"Benji texted saying they left a message. They're out for blood..." My brows furrowed as he continued. The fact that he was staring straight ahead as he spoke made me realise that he was being serious and shit was getting real..

"They're out for your blood. little princessa too"  Shit was getting a little too real.

I sighed leaning my head against the seat, squeezing Oscar's hand. I looked down at his phone which lit up again. It's been doing the same thing over and over again and I knew it was one of the boys and if my 6/20 vision was correct there was a meeting. They were meeting up to discuss whatever was going on.

"Let's go." I spoke up and he looked over at me.

"Benji's been blowing up your phone and you shouldn't keep them waiting." I nodded towards his phone as another text came in. Oscar sighed reaching over with his other hand to grab his phone.

I looked down at his hand still holding mine. It didn't look like he was going to take it back especially when he put his phone back using his other hand.

I watched as he started the ignition and skilfully used his unoccupied hand to shift gears and then we were driving.
We drove down the streets of Freeridge while I looked out the window.

"What's on your mind?" He questioned as I bit my lip still looking at the passing houses.

"How bad is it?" I questioned.

"How bad is what?"

"A gang war. Jamal once told me about the shit with The Prophets. But I never understood it." I met his eyes as he glanced at me his hand still in mine and the other at the steering wheel. 

"Bad. Lost a few of the boys because of it. Shit's intense and that's the last thing Freeridge needs now. Shit like that can't happen. A lot of people will get hurt. You will get hurt. Ala-." He stopped himself and I could see his jaw clenched.

I didn't even want to think about that. I would much rather be the one getting hurt.

I saw the blue and red lights flashed as we neared the police car driving towards us. I held my head and I could feel Oscar squeeze my hand as we neared them.

This could go several different ways and I just wanted us to carry on with our evening without having a run in with the cops. I was black and he was a gang member. Not the best combination.

I released my breath when we successfully drove past them without anything happening and before I knew it we were parked outside his house.

"You sure you want to do this?" He questioned. He looked like if I said the word he would put the car in drive and drive away but we both knew this needed to be done.

I knew he didn't want me involved in any of it. But at this point I was in too deep, it did not only involve me but Alaïa too. I was a mum and my kid's life came before my own.


If there was meant to be a war, I say let it be. Anything for my daughter's safety.

Ferris Wheel - Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now