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22A mother A brain tumour A man that's been on my mind

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A mother
A brain tumour
A man that's been on my mind.
A bunch of emotions bottled up.

That was the reason I was really here,in this place,at this time under such circumstances. My emotions led me here even if my brain told me to stay away. I couldn't believe it but my irrational side won,and now I was unpacking my things ready to restart my new life in this part of California....again.

"I swear I really don't understand what you're going to achieve by being here. And I don't want that bullshit that you want Laïa to be closer to her dad because I know it's all cap." I pursed my lips my eyes narrowed at Joshua who wasn't making this easy for me.

I had no idea what he was on about because moving here so that Alaïa could be closer to Oscar was the only reason I was doing it.

"Yet you're here with me."
I smacked my lips.

"That's because I'm trying to stop you from doing some dumbshit like running back to him. He said thank you and you two basically closed that chapter of your lives. Let it be Leigh." He stopped what he was doing and looked at me seriously.

"I don't really like you right now. You're my best friend you're suppose to have my back." I argued. I didn't need rational Josh I need him to support my decision.

"Nah boo, because I'm your best friend it's the exact reason why I'm calling you out. You still love him,don't lie but he has a whole girlfriend." I rolled my eyes at the use of the word girlfriend. He was telling me things I already knew and I didn't need a reminder of it.

We were interrupted by the door opening and in came Alaïa running inside the house with my mother following behind.

"Laï don't run you're going to hurt yourself." I scolded the three year old who quickly stopped and pouted. She really was too cute.
"Okay mummy"

"Look who I met at the park." My mother announced moving to the side and my eyes widened and so did my smile when I saw who it was.

"Benji!" I squealed running over to him.

"If it isn't the fighter." He spun me around and I snuggled into him. He put me down and I smiled up at him.

"You look good Chica." I shrugged with a smile on my face

"Me? What about you? Look at you. More tattoos and you've gotten buffer." I pointed to himself.

"Well it do be like that when you're eating good ma." Words can't explain how happy I was to see him. A familiar face that made my day countless of times.

"So you're moving back?" He asked raising his eyebrows looking at the boxes behind me.

I nodded "Still don't know if it's the right thing to do to be honest. But I wanted to do this,not for me but for Alaïa also."

He gave me a knowing look and I knew what he was about to say.
"Yeah keep telling yourself that." He smirked and he caught Alaïa when she basically threw herself at him.

"She's too hyper what you giving her sugar?" He asked spinning her around.

"I guess she has a little bit of me inside of her. That's one of the only thing she has of me." I frowned looking at her, she was beautiful and a spitting image of her dad,but I like to think she was the perfect mix.

"Nah, but does he know you're moving back?," he questioned and I looked away from him pursing my lips only because he didn't know that I was doing all of this,to him I went back to NYC and the next time he's seeing Laïa is on her 4th birthday. That was our compromise

"The last time I saw him was when he came to the airport to tell her goodbye weeks ago Ben. I just want to settle in before dropping that bomb on him."
I shrugged once again. I was going to delay him knowing for as long as I can, I'm still not so sure about having him back in my life like this.

But I had to remind myself that he wasn't going to be back in my life rather in the life of his daughter. I had nothing to do with this.

"Nah, you a whole fool. Tell him. He's been talking non stop about her. He kinda likes the idea of being a dad and I love the idea of being a tío." He smirked putting Alaïa down. I looked at her as she ran across the room again.

She had sugar and I was about to scold my mum for that. She was all over the place and it was always so hard to keep up with her whenever she had a lot of sugar. She was really one of those kids.

"Does he still come around? I thought he left that life?" I realised we were still standing in front of my open front door so I motioned for us to sit in the living room.

"He still does. He can't actually run away from Los Santos no matter how hard he tries. He always seems to come back." I chuckled, I figured that. Los Santos was a big part of his life, they were all he had growing up so I can understand why he couldn't let go.

"So who's handling all Los Santos business?"

"You're looking at him." He pointed to himself proudly. My eyes widened slightly before I grinned.

We both stopped talking just watching Alaïa being a kid, I felt somewhat sad seeing her like this. She was growing up so fast and I felt like I was missing everything with how fast time flew. I couldn't keep up.

"You know I always thought you and Oscar would end up together..." I looked at him as he frowned at the coffee table "..but then we got the news about the tumour and that hurt us you know. We didn't hear from you and we kinda just settled with the fact that you were no longer  you know..." I nodded "..and then boom Oscar comes storming into the house telling us he saw you and then he dropped the bomb that you had a whole kid."

"It's honestly so crazy how life turns out. I never expected to be in that position with the whole tumour, I was so ready to accept my faith, I was so ready to die and then I found out I was pregnant, never in a million years would I have thought that was possible because it was impossible! I had nothing to live for until I knew I was expecting and she was a sign. I'm 85% cured, I know this thing is unpredictable but I'm enjoying this moment so here I am." I smiled softly sitting back into the couch.

"Así es la Vida. It works in mysterious ways. We just have to ride it you know."

Indeed we do

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