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You've been waiting to take revenge on your sister since the early morning, when she took a picture of you while you were brushing your teeth.

And jeez, if someone ever sees that picture, you can say goodbye to your social life because you looked awful and ugly as fuck.

Finally, the last class ended, meaning that soon your sister's gonna get her ass burned. Burned with the flames of your terrifying anger.

She never minded your so-called anger, because she thought you were a cute bunny when you were mad.

And soon she's going to see how a mad bunny will look like.

You brisk walked to your house, your endless desire of doing something as funny as she did, was burning through your body.

You carefully entered your 2-floor house, dropping your backpack on the couch and heading upstairs, to where your sister's room was.

The only thing you had in your hands, was your phone which will help you to take an embarrassing photo of her.

The room's door was slightly opened and you could see that no one's in the room, so you quickly entered it, trying to not make any sound.

The bathroom door was closed and you heard the shower running. She was showering.

It'll be the perfect moment to take an embarrassing picture when she'll come out of the bathroom.

Till then, you decided to wait next to the bathroom's door. You were staring at her desk, being tired of waiting for so long.

Her phone lit up!

You were already staring at her desk, so it was impossible for you to not see the notifications that popped up on her lock screen.

Curiosity took over you and you decided to read the texts she got.

It was actually an Instagram notification and it said: "when you're gonna do a live video? please answer?"


You decided to open the app from which she got that message and see more.

Was she popular or something?

When you opened the app, you saw another username, another profile picture, other photos.


You decided to to look at the stories she has posted, maybe that will clarify the misunderstanding.

You started reading the screenshots she had posted, amd after you finished doing so, your heart dropped into your stomach.

What was she doing?

You quickly screenshoted everything and sent them to your phone.

Luckily, you didn't forget about deleting them from 'photos' and then 'recently deleted'

You put her phone down, walking away from her room. Your mood of "taking revenge" disappeared, confusion taking over.

You needed to talk about it with your best friend, Seulgi.


damn girl
you know I told you about the revenge thing, lol

how did it go?

I didn't do it
something came up
wanna see that something?


some Instagram notifications popped up on her screen and well I couldn't just stared at it and do nothing
so I checked

show me alreadyyy



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SEULGI:what the—

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what the—

I know rightttt
is she paying some dude to send her photos of a guy??

seems like it...maybe she has
a crush on someone and that's
her way of 'asking' what is he

she is literally 21 years old, a grown woman, why is she acting like this >:(

idek but what creeps me out the most is the fact that she has cameras in his room
and y'know if he has some...
woohoo in his room, she's gonna see it
and watch it, every move he doessss


ugh y/n I know your dumb ass is going to do smth dumber

I can't just stay with my arms crossed knowing that she's invading someone's privacy
I mean, how'd you feel if someone was secretly watching you while idk having sex or just showering

ew that's just ew

and that's why I need to
find that guy.



hey lovelies!
new book is coming along ^_^
please enjoy this one and treat it nicely, also let me know what you think about this :)

::please don't forget to vote!

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