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You were honestly beyond shocked because you didn't think your sister is capable of such things.

You needed to find out more information about it, maybe it's just a prank?

But the chances are small for it to be just a prank.

You were in your room, a safe place where your sister, Yuna, won't bother you.

You looked attentively at the screenshots you airdropped to your phone and searched her Instagram up.

Could it possibly be your sister?

You wanted to see what does she post there, but it was impossible, she must not find out you know about her small crush on that boy.

In her bio was a link to her Twitter account, you didn't want to wait more so you hurriedly tapped on it, only to see the same boy's face as her profile picture and as her cover photo- the same boy with 6 more guys.

Are they famous or something?

Are they famous or something?

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You googled 'KOREAN BOYBAND' and your eyes met a few titles 'Exo' 'Nct127' 'Stray kids'

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You googled 'KOREAN BOYBAND' and your eyes met a few titles 'Exo' 'Nct127' 'Stray kids'. You looked at every boyband but he wasn't there.

Maybe he was just a popular guy from her university and the six guys are his best friends.

The only way to find who he is, is stealing her phone.

You shrugged off all your thoughts about her obsession and decided to not make a big deal of it.

After you finished doing your homework you heard your mom shouting from the kitchen, announcing the dinner was ready.

You loved when your family was together, even though it was just for a few minutes, because everyone tried eating as fast as possible, they tried avoiding unwanted discussions.

You were always the one who'll start the conversation but only your mom would give you slight smile, because she felt bad that no one wanted to talk.

Maybe it was the tension between the girls of your family and your dad.

He was always coming late from work, not wanting to tell us how his day went by, what's up in his life, we were like strangers, yet none of us had the courage to speak up and finally clarify the confusion we all were in.

This time it wasn't an exception, everyone was silently eating sushis your mom has prepared. You kept on looking at your sister and when she looked at you, you'd quickly avert your gaze to your plate.

After the earlier incident, you couldn't look at her the same way you did before.

Knowing what she might be doing with her private life scared you the most. You knew it was wrong to invade her private life, but so was what she was doing to that guy.

Putting cameras in someone's house is not okay.

Is it even legal?

Probably not.

You excused yourself saying that you want to go to for bathroom, as your dad always used to say, being impolite is the worst thing you could ever do, so you should never forget about the good manners.

Although you wanted to go to the bathroom, you couldn't take that guy off of your mind. You needed to contact him as soon as possible.

You've actually never thought about why is your sister stalking him so attentively, why wouldn't she just talk to him?

He wasn't someone special, just a guy from an university.

Everything seemed easy for you, but in reality none of it was.

You forgot about everything and quickly looked for her phone. As soon as you spotted it, you unlocked it and started searching for some information. You tapped on the 'notes' and looked for some information.

There was a note secured with password. Luckily your sister was dumb enough to set her password as the tattoo she got a few years back.


She had never told you what is the meaning of that tattoo and as the time passed by, you got tired of constantly asking her, so you stopped

There you saw two things.

His personal account.

Her password.

Was luck smiling at you or were you just blessed? Because finding such things in one go was pure luck.

You quickly took a photo of her screen with your phone and left her room. You went to your bathroom and locked yourself in there.

'Things must be done.' you mumbled to yourself, now logging in.

Her stalker account finally appeared on your screen, many follow requests popping up.

Why the fuck would so many people want to follow her?

You opened the chat with the dude she was paying, and were shocked of what you saw.

She needed to be stopped, now.

You logged back in your personal account, searching him up. He needed to know that someone keeps an eye on him and he should be careful of what he's doing and with who.

You had no idea why would she spend so much money just for his personal account.

Who the fuck is JK?

His account was a private one, with not so many followers. Maybe it would be easier than you thought.


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she found out his personal

as i told you guys earlier in my chapter that was posted earlier in the very beginning "PLEASE READ!"
I mentioned to not relate the provided pictures with anything in real life as of now, these images are taken from twitter account when the real @// existed but it's not there now so you guys won't be able to look it up but don't try to take this in a real life situation.

It's purely FICTION!

::please don't forget to vote!

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