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'Woah, that escalated quickly.' he said shocked of your sudden confession.

'Listen here worldwide celebrity.' you gathered all the feedings that wrre already overflowing your heart and decided to finally let everything out.

'I came all the way here just to warn you about my obsessed sister, because someone whose name is Jungkook, threatened me that he'll sue me if he sees that I'm spying on him. And what I got is bwing sexually harassed by you and my sister's wish of killing me because I destroyed her plans.' you angrily spat, feeling how his eyes started filling with flames of anger.

Jungkook was taken aback by your attitude, not believing that you had the nerve to go against him and make him the bad guy of the whole story.

He was mad.

Mad because a simple girl like you somehow humiliated him, showed him that even though he has all the qualities  a man would ever want, not everyone is going to satisfy his desire.

'Who the fuck do you think you are?!' he said aggressively, realeasing his tight grip on your waist.

'You do know you might've fucked up my relationship with my sister?!' you said, your eyes getting watery.

'You came here when no one asked you to. You yourself fucked up everything.' he said in the same harsh tone as you did, making your heart ache from the hurtful things he let out.

'I did not. I only wanted the better for her, I cane here to fuckung warn you about her so she won't get in hail. I wanted to explain everything to you and hoped you'd be understanding. Yet here I am, screaming and arguing with some selfish guy.' you spat, a tear rolling down your cheek.

'You—' he started but you immediately cut him off.

'And now she probably hates me because I stole her opportunity of fucking with you.' you said wiping away the tear that fell down your cheek.

'Do you know how low I've fallen this time? When my own sister would prefer a guy over her sister's intentions of protecting her? Do you know how hurtful is that?' your eyes softened, voice trembling.

'I—' he started but nothing came out after.

You were tired.

Tired of always being the one who should care about the others.

You honestly wanted the best for your sister and seeing that she might put her future in danger just because of a stupid guy really got to you.

And your choice of helping her, of making her avoid unwanted troubles only worsened everything.

How could everything be so unfair?

Wasn't that quotation saying that if you do good you'll receive good.

Then why is everything you receive is bad?

'Thank you Jungkook. Indeed I'm so thankful.' you scoffed, giving him one last glance, before turning away and opening the door.

'No—' but you were already out of his apartment.
You closed your eyes, deeply exhaling, not wanting to see Yuna now.

'You...' she said in an accusing tone, standing up from where she was sitting.

'You ungrateful bitch!' she yelled as her palm arrived in a chill on your cheek, making you turn your head to the side because of the pain you were feeling.

'How could you do that to me?!' she yelled pushing you hardly onto Jungkook's door, making your back slam with a thud on the metal material.

'You fuckin knew I've done all those things for only a night with him, yet you had the guts to come here and destroy everything. For what? Having him only for yourself?!' she screamed slapping you again, this time with more force.

'I only wanted what's better for you.' you uttered quietly, afraid that she might attack you with more hate.

'Better?' she bitterly laughed.

'I'll fucking show you what's better.' she angrily spat pullung you by your hair, making you stumble.

'Yuna stop!' you begged knowing you are too weak, physically and mentally, to fight her right now.

'Stand up.' she said, giving you a disgusted glare.

You did as she said and covered your cheek with your calm is case she plans on slapping you again.

'I'm sorry, okay!' you mumbled staring down at your feet, not wanting to make eye contact with her.

'I've spent years for him to notice me and when I finally made him do that...you came and destroyed everything!' she said grabbing you strongly by your arm.

'Is he more important than me? Your own sister?!' you shouted letting the tears you held in flow down your cheeks.

'Is that even a question?' she laughed making your heart ache more than it did before.

'Let's go.' she said sternly, pulling you by your armtowards the elevator.

'Let me go!' you cried yanking your arm away from her.

'Do you actually think that you're gonna get out of it so easily?' she looked into your eyes with so much despise, slowly yet painfully stabbing your heart which loved her so much.

'You're gonna regretwhat you've done y/n. I promise you that.' she pulled you towards the elevator, pressing the call button.

All you were doing was crying and choking on yourn own tears, not believing that Yuna would hate you so much just because of him.

'Stop crying.' she exclaimed as the elevator's doors opened, pushing you in harshly.

She eyed the elevator's buttons then pressed the last button for the first floor.

The elevator's doors were slowly closing but right before they totally shut, a hand came in between the gap of the doors, making it open again.

It was Jungkook.


oh yeahhhhhh~

::please don't forget to vote!

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