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You and your parents were worried because Yuna still hasn't contacted anyone from your family.

It was almost 5pm yet no sign of her. You tried convincing your mother that she is still at the birthday party, maybe the girls decided to have a sleepover after the party.

You dad didn't really seem worried because he believed that Yuna is a grown 21 years old woman who is capable of taking care of herself.

And he was right.

She is an adult now, an independent person, yet she is acting like a primary schooler.

While watching tv in the living room, you heard the main door closing.


'Oh my god what took you so long?! you exclaimed being shocked of her state.

'Please don't tell mom and dad about this.' she said ppinting out at the bruises on her wrists.

'Who did this to you?!' your breath hitched and eyes stung at the vulnerable figure that was standing in front of you.

'None of your business. Go do your homework.' she said coldly, walking past you.

You didn't want to bother her anymore, knowing that she'll lock herself in her room and won't talk to you till the next morning.

'Y/n? Dear was that Yuna?' your mom asked sweetly from the kitchen.

'Yeah, she's drunk and she wants to sleep. We'll talk to her in the morning?' you covered up for her and went straight to your room.

'What has happened to her?' you asked yourself while passing by her bedroom door.

'It's not a big problem.' you heard Yuna's slightly mumbled voice coming from her room beside you, talking to someone on the phone.

Maybe now it was the perfect moment to finally find out everything Yuna's done while she pretended that she went to a birthday party.

'Look, today's events don't matter at all...the real action will happen tomorrow.' she said, excitement and mischief visible in her voice.

What did she mean by that?

What does she plan on doing tomorrow?

'I've paid one of the staffs from that company to record his phone calls and now that I know what he plans on doing tomorrow, I'll make a sweet surprise for him.'

The bedroom door was cracked open and you could see a little from what she was doing.

As she said this words, she played with a strand of her hair, imagining what will happen tomorrow.

'I will finally meet him. He can change his number 100 times yet I won't back away. He is mine.' she said chuckling.

'He will finally taste me.' the last sentence that slipped out of her mouth made you gasp. Out of the shock you felt at the moment, you leaned a bit on the door making it screech.

'What?' you sister flinched, afraid that someone migjt have heard her.

You ran as fast as you could, without making any sound and stormed in you room closing the door attentively.

'This can't be...' you sighed, afraid that this time your sister's gonna get herself in serious trouble.

If she plans on going to his house, then he will actually sue her.

You have to find out details and the only way of doing it is searching through her Instagram messages.

You logged in her account, checking the last conversation she had.

The messages she sent to her friend really creeped the hell out of you. She is clearly over obsessed with that Jungkook guy.

She planned on canceling the one night stand Jungkook wanted to have the next night and instead of that girl coming to him, she will come and have a 'hot' night with him. That will be her way of seducing Jungkook and having him only for herself.

Yet she won't get away with it just like that. She'll get her punishment and in this case, it'll be prison. She can't destroy her future because of a pathetic guy.

You will knock some sense into her.




so Yuna plans on breaking
in that guy's apartment and have a night with him

waiiit how will she if that guy
doesn't want to

she has recordings of his phone
calls and he'll have tomorrow
night an one night stand

and she cancelled that one night
stand and she'll come instead

she's crazy

I have to stop her

that guy will sue her if she does

how do you know that?

long story short, I texted him and he threatened me
he thought I was the obsessed girl

but you told him you weren't and
that's your sister right??!


you're so stupid y/n
you know he might get all his
anger over
you instead of your sister right

he doesn't matter now
I'll make sure nothing
happens between them
I wouldn't let me sister destroy
her life

Y/n the courthouse isn't a joke,
you both are adults and you can
get real prison time

tomorrow at 8pm I'm going there
wish me luck



oh no...!
she's going to visit the JEON JUNGKOOK?!!!!
this is gonna be epic ;)

::please don't forget to vote!

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