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It was Jungkook.

When he saw that you didn't even want to listen to him and went out of his apartment, not even caring that your sister was there, something in him said that he should feel guilty for what is going to happen next.

He slowly approached the small screen which slowed what was happening outside his apartment and watched you with your sister attentively.

What he saw that your sister pushed you harshly onto his door, he felt like opening the door immediately and rescuing you, but when he placed his hand onto the door handle, he stopped.

He thought that it'll be better if he let you two resolve your family problems between yourselves.

Things were getting worse and worse, your sister becoming more aggressive than before. The moment when she pulled you by your arm to the elevator, pushing you inside, Jungkook couldn't handle the tension which was growing bigger by each passing second in his head or maybe even heart and quickly opened the door and rushed outside towards the elevator.

It could be luck, or even fate but he managed to arrive in time and stop the elevator doors from closing.

When the doors were completely open, his eyes met Yuna's panicked figure and your broken state. He felt his heart shatter because of the sight that was in front of him, knowing that partially it was his fault.

'Fucking stop!' he shouted angrily, not believing that your own sister was able to do such things to you.

'D-don't...' you stuttered, not wanting to worsen the situation.

'Yeah don't.' Yuna repeated.

'She doesn't deserve any sympathy towards her.' she said emotionlessly.

'You aren't better than her believe me.' he said stepoing in the elevator towards you.

'What?' she laughed.

'Don't fucking touch her.' she said forgetting that the man who was standing in front of her was her celebrity crush that she wanted to see so much.

'That's you the one who shouldn't touch her.' he soat back, softly putting his arm around your waist.

'I swear to god Jungkook, if you take her now to your apartment, I'll make sure her life becomes a living hell.' she threatened grabbing your wrist, stopping Jungkook from his track.

'Don't even try.' he yanked your wrist away from her before going out of the elevator.

'You'll pay back for everything you've done.' he said glancing at her one last time before going to his apartment.

'I'm not going to give up that easily.' she screamed trying to catch his attention.

But it was too late, you two already entered his apartment.

'I'm sorry.' he said carefully, helping you sit on the couch.

'Jungkook I should probably just go.' you lowly said, feeling the pain from her slap.

'I never got to ask you, what's your name?' you were looking down at your lap and didn't feel like responding soon so he knelt down in front of you, to make you look at him.

'I'm y/n...' you uttered looking into his eyes, his pitiful eyes.

'Y/n...I won't let her get to you, she'll get sued for her illegal acts.'

'No!' you said grabbing both of his wrists.

'Please don't...she's still my sister.'

'How can you still defend her when she did so many things to you?' he asked holding your hands tightly.

'I guess that's the sister love I have for her...' you said letting a tear roll down your cheek.

'Don't be so afraid that she'll get to you, whether you want it or not, she did illegal things and she must pay for everything.' he wiped your tears with the pad of his thumb, gazing into your mesmerizing eyes.

'I guess you're right...' you sighed closing your eyes.

'I'm sorry for disturbing you, I've probably destroyed the night you wanted to-'

'Shh it's okay.' he didn't let you finish, continuing with a soothing voice.

'Will you really sue her?' you asked, your voice filled with hope.

'She's a sasaeng y/n, she needs to stop, even if I might not be the one who'll stop her, in future someone will. And it'll be better for everyone if she gets what she deserves now.' he said watching how your broken expression changed to an understanding one.

'You'll stay here tonight because it can be dangerous for you to go home.' Jungkook said standing up and going to the closet, searching for some clothes.

'I'm probably making you feel so uncomfortable right now...' you said standing up too.

'Actually no, it feels like you're one of my close friends.' he chuckled finally grabbing a hoodie from the upper shelf.

'It might be big for you but I don't have other clothes that could fit you.'

'Thank you.' you said softly, going yo another room for changing.

The moment you put his hoodie on, his smell filled your nostrils, making you soften at his sweet yet masculine perfume, totally defining his personality, he might seem cruel on the outside when on the inside he's a gentle loving man.

'Here I am.' you soun around, showing off how huge the hoodie was for you.

'It fits you perfectly.' he chuckled grabbing your wrist before walking to another room where you guessed you might be sleeping.

'I can sleep in the living room, on the couch, you know?' your smiled fluttered because of his sweet behavior.

'I caused you some problems at home, so I have to make up for it.'

'By giving me a bed to sleep on?' you laughed, but soon stopped because of his intense stare.

'W-what?' you asked confused.

'Is there something on my face?' you turned your back to face the mirror, but before you could do that, he grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer to him.

You looked up at him, feeling how your breath got caught up in your throat, afraid of letting a single gasp escape your mouth.

'Y/n...you're beautiful when you're happy.'

In that moment he felt something that got him carried away, making him lean in and press his tempting lips onto yours, slowly yet passionately moving them in sync with yours.


hehe they kissed!

::please don't forget to vote!

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