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His lips slightly touched yours, giving you a strange feeling of need, the need to press his lips onto yours and taste his puffy and tempting cherry lips.

But even if the things that happened a while ago have shaken you a bit, you were still able to understand that what the both of you are doing is completely wrong.

'Stop!' you said placing your hands on his chest, pushing him away with all your strength.

'W-what?' he said visibly confused of your sudden action.

'This is wrong in so many ways.' you frantically breathed out, remembering the reason why you came here in the beginning, you came to tell him about Yuna and her plan, yet you ended up kissing him.

'Why?' he asked fixing his shirt.

'I need to go.' you whispered, going out of the room and searching for your clothes.

'I'm sorry if it was so sudden.' he apologized, following you from behind.

'Bye Jungkook.' you said grabbing your clothes and speeding your pace to the exit of his apartment.

'Wait!' he said behind you but you already left. With his hoodie on.

The closeness between you two made you realize that Yuna was partially right for being mad at you, because you actually destroyed her plans of making out with the man of her dreams. And now that Jungkook tried kissing you, it'll make everything worse.

You knew it was just a stupid game for Jungkook, where he wanto have fun, but funny is the last thing that could describe this situation.

The only solution to the mess you were in wasto clarify things with Yuna and forget about Jungkook.

You thought it would be easy.


After 2 weeks

It's been 2 weeks since you left Jungkook's apartment, leaving there all the emotions you felt, forgetting meeting him or what happened with your sister.

At first, you tried avoiding her, but in one moment you must've confronted her and you did.


10 days have passed after the incident that happened that night and you still haven't spoken to Yuna.

Your parents didn't know anything about the sasaeng thing because Yuna her best to hide it from them.

You didn't bring that up either, so Yuna wouldn't have any reasons to hate you more than she already does.


One night, when your parents were gone for a fancy dinner to a restaurant, you and your sister stayed at home, locked in your rooms.

You couldn't stay like this forever and decided to finally talk to her and tell her everything you felt.

* knock knock *

You knocked on the door, waiting for Yuna to say something but instead of it she came to the door and opened it, eyeing your broken state.

'Can we talk?' you said lowly, afraid that she might get angry again.

'Yeah...we should.' she grabbed your wrist and walked towards her bed, sitting on the edge.

'Look Yuna...' you started, trailing off.

'I'm so sorry, y/n.' she whispered looking down at her lap.

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