Chapter 32

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I walked back in smug as Hinata and Neji trailed in after.  "Really?"

They exchanged a glance and painfully smiled at everyone.  Itachi gestured for me to look at them, and I did so proudly.  "Don't underestimate the pregnant lady."

Chihiro's hands fluttered over Neji's wounds and bruises before she frowned at me.  "Didn't go overboard, did you?"

I giggled.  "They are alive and learned a bunch.  All good things in my book."

She sighed and looked at Aya, who took them to the back.  Itachi smoothed my hair.  "Better?"

I smiled.  "Much."

He led me to the dining room, and we sat while everyone else filed in.  I gently touched my belly as the twins started wrestling when the smell of food hit my nostrils.  He chuckled and put his hand over mine.  "She must have worked up your appetites."

I scowled at him.  "We didn't even break a sweat."

Naruto eyed us suspiciously.  "So..."  Itachi frowned at him.  "You're really okay?"

He sighed and nodded.  "All four of us, but... you need to go see Tsunade tomorrow."

I pouted.  "I don't wanna."

He shrugged.  "I don't care."

I rolled my eyes.  "Fine... you love them more than me already."

He poked my forehead.  "I love them differently, no more, no less."

I sighed.  "So fucking fatherly, I really hope you're more like Minato than Pein."

He tilted his head.  "Why?"

I shrugged as I filled my plate.  "He never let me get away with anything.  Literally had to run off and do what I wanted for him to find me and get in trouble.  Then he made sure I regretted it after."

Minatory frowned.  "I didn't let you get away with everything."

I tapped my chin.  "True, but the whole stalker boy sleeping in the same bed wouldn't have even been a question.  Or training with Ibiki until I was older.  Me leaving the village... again, wouldn't have been an option.  He was very, very, very protective and overbearing when I was there."

I sighed.  "The only reason I got that bandit village is because I ran off when he was occupied.  He got there right when I finished."  I grimaced.  "He trained me until I couldn't move for 2 weeks to make sure it didn't happen again."

Minato scowled.  "Maybe it would have made you a little less reckless."

Itachi smiled softly.  "He almost killed me when he found out I was staying with her while we were there the first time.  I wasn't prepared for that since..."  He nodded toward both of our parents.  "It was okay here."

Mikoto deadpanned him.  "Was there any stopping you?"

He shrugged.  "He almost got me... almost."

I looked at him curiously.  "Almost?  Now you have to explain."

He sat back smiling at the memory.  "Before your little game of hide and seek... We may have fought, and he almost killed me in an attempt to get me to get my own room."

I gaped.  "Really?  What stopped him?  He was never used to not getting his way."

He chuckled.  "I don't actually know, but I wasn't backing down, so he just rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath all the way back."

I narrowed my eyes.  "How many of these talks resulted in your ass getting beat?"

He pursed his lips.  "Only two and both were Pein's doing.  And he called you violent."

I giggled.  "When was the other one?"

He sighed.  "When you were captured.  He tried to incapcitate me so I wouldn't be here when he destroyed the village... again, he just stopped as though he came to a decision and left me on the ground bloody."

I sat back.  "He would have brought you back... That wouldn't have killed him."

Naruto nodded.  "I have a question, don't get mad."

I looked at him.  "Do either of you actually stay dead?  Not that I want that, but there has to be a limit."

I thought a moment.  "I can answer that two ways, to be honest.  Be more specific."

He narrowed his eyes and started to count on his fingers.  "When you collapsed at the gates, the wedding, the Sound Village..."

I nodded.  "Then yes... One day in this life, we will die and not have the resources to bring us back."

His eyes were slit.  "How else could you answer?"

I sighed.  "Unless we're killed by certain weapons in this life, several of us sitting here now, some who have already died, and some yet to be born... Will be born again sometime in the future."

He frowned.  "How?"

I smirked at Itachi.  "The aftermath of a jutsu cast by a lovestruck Uchiha."

He blushed and looked away from me.  "Glad I did it."

I giggled and pushed his shoulder.  "I'm sure you are."

He shrugged.  "Eat..."

I shook my head and returned my gaze to Naruto.  "Something may break the cycle one day, but for now, we reincarnate."

He frowned.  "Will I..."

I bit my lip.  "Not to my knowledge, Little Bird.  You and Sasuke are new souls, along with many others."

He met my gaze.  "But you could do the jutsu, right?"

I chewed slowly, debating.  "Do you want me to lie to you?"  He shook his head.  "Then, could I, yes... Will I, no."

He scowled.  "Why?  It sounds so cool!"

I sighed.  "Because I have seen the toll it takes on all of us and the world as a whole."

He searched my face.  "Bad?"  I nodded.  "Okay, then.  It still sounds cool, though."

I looked up at Itachi.  "It has a few benefits."

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