Chapter 5

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I felt a sudden panic and opened my eyes, looking around.  When I saw nothing, I slipped from the bed and sat on the windowsill, breathing slowly before pulling a necklace from my shirt.  I closed my eyes and opened my mind.

Calm down...

What did he do? Are you okay?

I smiled softly as the black haired boy appeared in my mind's eye.  I told you that one day, you will return and I won't be there, Little Brother... I'm fine.

I watched as the fear receded from his eyes.  Good... have you been treated? Is-

Yes, everyone is fine, Sasuke.  Except... Pein is dead now, but other than that.

I heard, defeated by Naruto... Madara's not happy.

I chuckled.  I would imagine not.  Tread carefully, Little Brother.  Why were you so worried?

He averted his gaze.  He said... that your foolishness killed you.

I smirked.  That man would never allow me to die so easily, but relax.  Itachi and Mikoto are proud of you, and thank you.

He looked surprised.  Is it wise for...

I took his hand.  They are your family, and they love you, Team 7 loves you... I could tell them you are the one who stabbed me and they would forgive you.  Allow them to know you are not some evil minion.

He pouted.  Whatever...

I giggled.  This is draining, Little Brother...

He put a hand on my head.  Stay out of trouble, Sister.  Get some rest.

I smiled at him and nodded as he faded away.  I opened my eyes to see Itachi staring at me suspiciously.  "You've awakened."

He frowned.  "What is that?"

I put the necklace back in my shirt.  "Sasuke's version of your chain and Pein's rings.  He gave it to me so he could be there if Madara became too much."  He relaxed.  "What were you afraid of?"

He averted his gaze.  "Once... you got one that was basically a tracker."

I joined him on the bed.  "I learned to get rid of those long ago, but he took the ones you gave me."

He frowned.  "I noticed, but..."

I watched him touch his necklace.  "Also, Sasuke's doing."

He smiled.  "Never thought he would be the one helping us."

I nodded.  "I told him that often when he wasn't rubbing it in, the only one with any sense of humor there."

He stroked my face with the back of his hand.  "What happened to you there?"

I shook my head.  "No, Itachi..."

He tilted his head.  "Why?"

"Because I need you here... not stuck in the past or looking for him, just to get killed.  He kept his promise to Pein and didn't touch me.  Be satisfied with that."

He averted his gaze.  "When you see Ibiki then..."

I rolled my eyes.  "I've already spoken with Ibiki."

He frowned.  "You're fast."

I sighed and took his face in my hands.  "I had to so I can move forward.  So we can move forward."

He pulled me to him, so I was straddling him.  "I missed you."

I kissed him.  "And I you, now go shower.  I tire of this room."  He smirked and kissed me again, igniting a fire within me.  I gave in, allowing him access to my mouth, relaxing in his arms.  I felt safe being surrounded by him and pulled away to wrap my arms around him and snuggle into his chest.

He tightened his hold around me.  "I'm sure Mother is at odds with your size right now."  There was a knock at the door, and he eyed it.  "Yes?"

Mikoto giggled.  "I heard you talking about me... let her go so she can eat.  You both haven't had a good meal in a while."

I shook my head and held tighter onto him, and he chuckled.  "She said no."

There was a sigh, and the door opened.  "Let's go, Brat."

I frowned.  "Go away, Stupid Fox."

He chuckled.  "He looks like he's holding a child's corpse."

I looked at him.  "A very attractive corpse might I add."

He rolled his eyes.  "New clothes and fixing your hair makes you no more attractive. You need your strength."

I gaped.  "Did you just call me ugly?"

He smirked.  "Take it how you want."

I jumped up and went after him.  "I'll beat your ass!"

He easily caught me and dragged me to the kitchen, sitting me in a barstool.  "Now... eat."

I glared at him.  "Stupid fox."


I sighed and looked at all the food in front of me, frowning.  "I... can't eat all of this..."

Mikoto smiled softly.  "Just pick at what you can, I know it'll take time."

I smiled at her.  "Thank you."  I slowly nibbled on some toast until Itachi emerged from the back.  "You gotta eat it all."

He eyed the food and frowned.  "You haven't eaten anything."

I held up the toast and took another bite.  "I'm working on it."

He rolled his eyes and went to the fridge, pulling out fruit.  He cut up some and set it in front of me.  "Eat."

I blinked, surprised.  How did he know?  "Uh..."

He sat beside me.  "Just try it."

I nodded as he started eating.  I watched him as I nibbled at the fruit.  "You should take better care of yourself... seems you're starving."

He glanced at me.  "You too."  I looked at the bowl, half the fruit was gone.  I shrugged and went back to eating it.  He ate both of our plates by the time I finished.

Mikoto was watching both of us as she ate, smiling.  "So, fruit is the go-to... noted."

I averted my gaze.  "Yeah... I don't know how he figured that out, though."

He scoffed.  "It's what you would choose after we got back and in the Sand..."

I pursed my lips.  "Stalker..."

He got up and kissed my head.  "Thanks, mom, it was good."

She giggled.  "Anytime."

We washed dishes, and I looked around.  "Where is everyone?"

She tilted her head.  "Helping to rebuild the village."

I smiled.  "Sounds fun, come on, Itachi."

He frowned.  "You're on the fragile end of things."

I rolled my eyes.  "I won't push it... promise."

He sighed.  "Not like I can stop you."

I pulled him towards the door.  "Nope."

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