The Elementals-Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"So, ready to leave? I will go with you if you wish." Hailey asked.

I nodded in reply. If there was any of them that I trusted and was comfortable with, it was her. There's nobody I'd rather open my realm with than Hailey. Maybe it had to do with the fact that we were the only two without physical elements. She had intense emotional and spiritual power, and I could command any living thing with a thought and a song.

She gave me a big smile. She no longer seemed shy like when I first got here, maybe she was warming up to me too. "Then what are we waiting for? Open a portal to Los Angeles and we'll open your realm."

"Um, maybe you should? I don't-I mean, I can't-"

"You're the only one who can. You can open a portal to where you will open you realm but none of us can." She cut me off. "Just concentrate on L.A., a specific spot there. Imagine a door in front of you leading right to that spot."

Mere hours ago, if someone had said that to me, I would have driven them to the nearest mental hut. Now, it made perfect sense.

I closed my eyes to do this, there is no way I would be able to concentrate with then staring at me. So, a door? Okay, I could do this. In my head I saw the door to the bedroom I grew up in. It was made of dark brown wood with a silver handle. Every inch was covered in band and movie posters.

Just beyond it, I pictured a secluded park on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Bright sunlight shown down on small, colorful birds hopping around looking for crumbs and vibrant green grass. Particularly, I focused on a thick willow grove, my favorite spot. The long tresses hid me from the world that always wanted in for all the wrong reasons.

I cracked one eye to see if I done it it right. My jaw hit the floor when the exact door I had been thinking about appeared in my vision. Nothing was behind it, there was simply a door in the middle of the hall.

"You've done well." Hailey said. "Lead the way."

I took the cool handle and a relaxing breath and opened the door with a soft creak. Moonlight bathed my face and a soft breeze ruffled my newly black hair. I could see the whip like willow tresses swishing together. Even the sounds of late night traffic could be heard. With a final glance back at the others, I stepped across the threshold with Hailey right behind me.

Immediately we were enveloped in darkness, and the door had disappeared. We began walking in silence, and moments later we were free.

The park hadn't changed in the slightest, everything was the same despite me not being here in years. Fortunately, it was also empty.

"We need to talk." I heard.


"This idea nature has. Pushing all of us together will be disastrous. I can control myself, and you seem to be able to too, but the rest can express themselves...violently. There is a reason we stay apart, particularly Adriana and Rebekah will cause trouble."

I hadn't thought if that before, but now that I was, I shared Hailey's fear. I saw how they just fought each other, with no mercy. They unleashed everything they had. Would that happen every day if we were forced to stay together? Whichever poor house we ended up living in would be rubble within a week.

"So what do we do about it?" I asked.

"We'll have to watch them constantly, and interfere when needed." She sighed. She sounded like she was talking about a group of children rather than people who had lived longer than anyone else.

We had come to a small wooden bench, so we sat. I wanted to open my realm here, where I had memories and where outdoor concerts were often held.

"Ready." Hailey interrupted my thoughts.

"I am, I like it here."

"I do too. Just channel your power in front of you and it will open naturally."

With eyes shut, I focused on my thoughts. I tried to imagine pushing everything inside of me to the front, and unleashing it. Sweat beaded my forehead from my intense concentration.

Then, there was a change. Powerful energy was gathering in front of me, and it was ready to burst. It was preparing to open the realm of music, my realm. And it did.

My eyes flew open, I had a feeling I wouldn't want to miss what was about to happen. A small, black sphere was suspended in the air. Me and Hailey quickly shot to our feet and inches closer. It was rapidly growing, faster than the plant Jasmine turned into a forest. Within seconds it was large enough to walk through.

"May I come in?"

I turned my head to look at her.


"I have to ask permission to enter, only you are allowed to freely come and go."

"Oh, yes of course you may come with me."

And with that we were swallowed by the darkness. Music surrounded me and overwhelmed my senses, that was all I could tell. Every genre from every age in history was playing. I blinked, and spun around trying to take in my surroundings. I had warped to a gigantic room. I barely saw the edges of it, it seemed to be never ending. Everything, the floor, ceiling, and walls was made of the same dark, polished wood.

The center was dominated by a large, columned structure made of wood panels and glass. Silently we strode toward an pushed open the large front door.

A grand staircase started directly in front of us and led to a second and third stories. A sparkling chandelier hung from the ceiling high above our heads and hallways led in every direction. Plush white rugs coated most if the floor. Hailey was jumping up and down like an excited child. She turned to me with a large grin. "Adriana's favorite part may be the fight, but this is mine. Ready to explore?"

~This...isn't my favorite chapter. I feel like nothing happened :P tell me what y'all think. Since its break, I will probably not upload again for a while, January 8 or 9 probably. Merry Christmas!! If you don't celebrate Christmas than sucks for you. I gotta go help my grandma make Christmas food, so bye! - Garrett

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2012 ⏰

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