The Elementals-Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Unintelligible grunts and mumbles came from my mouth as I woke up to darkness. The tour bus was like a cave when the lights were off. I sat up and checked my phone to see what time it was. FLASH. The brightness of the screen burned my eyes like fire and caused them to water.

When my eyes adjusted I saw the time said 10:22am. Wow I'm up early today. Judging from the time, we should be in London by now. Suddenly a strange feeling swept through my body, something I've never felt before. It wasn't nerves from the tour, or hunger, or grogginess, it was unidentifiable. It felt important, like today something would change. I brushed it off as nerves, even though deep down I knew that wasn't it.

I didn't exactly have time to linger on it, there was a concert in a few hours and I just woke up. The feeling started slowly fading as I woke up more.

I searched for the exit of the tour bus, hitting my legs on everything between my bed and the door, partly because it was dark as a starless night in there, and also because I was still groggy from sleep. I finally grasped a handle and pulled, causing absolutely nothing to happen. I sighed and did a mental face palm, and pushed.

Light flooded through the doorway, scorching my retinas for the second time in the first five minutes I've been awake. I blinked a few times to adjust to the blinding light and walked down the creaky metal steps until my bare feet hit the asphalt. I was in a huge empty parking lot behind a large building, I'm guessing this is where the concert was gonna be tonight. A bang came from the back of the building, I turned and saw a tall man with a shiny bald head coming from one of the doors. He called out to me in a British accent. "Morning, I've been sent to wake your band up. Would you please get the others?"

"Sure man." I replied back, and with that I turned and went back into the bus.

"WAKE UP." I yelled into the darkness. Groans and death threats came from three half asleep bundles.

"Shut up Aidan." Growled Kaspar, he was our drummer.

I searched the wall with my hand until I found the switch and flicked it on, which got me even more violent death threats.

"If you don't turn the light off right now you will wake up tomorrow underwater." Kenzie, our bass guitarist, threatened.

"Go ahead and try gnome, your only three feet tall and have as much muscle as a ramen noodle." I shot back smugly, using our nickname for her. She hated it, which is the only reason we didn't give it up.

"Call me a gnome again and I will carry out the treat and not regret it a bit."

She wasn't scary in the least but I let her think she won by turning off the lights. I knew she was grinning in triumph somewhere in the blackness.

"Dude maybe you should stop calling her a gnome." Clay, our lead guitarist laughed.

I knew he wasn't serious, he just said it because him and Kenzie were together.

"And by the way, I'm five foot two!" She cried.

"Okay, okay, sorry. Just get ready." I muttered and left to find my trailer, it was behind the one we had fallen asleep in. I showered, brushed my teeth, and dressed in what I would wear in stage, including my trademark silver ring. Someone would come by later and redye my hair silver, it was redone before each concert.

I met up with everyone else an hour before the concert began. Usually this was the time when we met with people who had bought backstage passes, I loved meeting fans from all over the world right before going on stage, but oddly enough there was none today. We just hung out and went through a few songs we would be doing out of boredom. Soon the door leading on stage opened and smoke poured through. Multicolored lights flashed across my face and the screaming crowd pounded through my head.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face if I tried with the adrenaline pumping through my body. Nothing could compare to this feeling, right before a long night of playing music. I looked at the rest of the band and saw they were pumped too, the lights made our silver hair glisten and stand out even more from our dark clothes and shadowed faces.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Silver Nightmare!" The guy on stage did our intro and quickly ran off stage as we ran on. The sound of the audience was deafening. Camera flashes and smoke was all I could see.

"How are y'all doin tonight?" I screamed into the mic.

Somehow it made the noise of the audience get louder. I smiled broadly, this is what I lived for. Not to be famous and have lots of people like you, but to constantly be with people who love music as much as I do and are truly passionate about it.

The beginning notes of our first song began, but something was wrong. It was like listening to it underwater. All the noise was dulled and sounded far away. I turned around to face the band but they were staring at me with shocked expressions. The music stopped playing. I could hear screaming in the crowd, and they were different than the excited screams when we ran on stage, now they sounded almost scared. I looked down at my body and gasped in astonishment. I was disappearing from the feet up in a swirling black cloud. The air around me cackled with electricity. It was already to my waist.

I panicked and started to flail around, trying to get it away from me but it followed. Now it was to my chest. Soon it clouded my vision, leaving me completely blind. A bright light flashed in front of me, and I fell to my knees and hit a stone floor.

~I am sorry I'm so late, I've had writers block, school and homework, and I've been in Missouri since Thursday. Hope you liked the first chapter. :)

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