The Elementals-Prologue

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All eleven Elementals were together for the first time in a century. They had gathered in a room at the temple of elements that had been given the nickname 'the crowning room'. The air crackled with tension, the power these entities carried with them was overwhelming, and made the room seem a bit suffocating.

Each one of them had been living for at least a hundred years, the oldest being over eleven hundred years old. When an elemental is summoned to the crowning room, they are infused with complete power of the element that best matches them. They become even more powerful in places where their element is present. They can also become, create, and control their element. An elemental is chosen by nature, once every hundred years a person is summoned to the temple and given power. This person can be anybody, and come from anywhere on Earth.

The first summoned was Asher, who received the power of life. He was the perfect choice for his role in every way, from his permanent smile to his friendly nature. Adriana showed up a century later as the chosen elemental of death. She had midnight black, waist length black hair and cold, dark, almost lifeless eyes. She cared for nothing in the world. They used their power very differently, and had constants fights. Finally neither could stand to live together at the temple of elements any more, so fourteen years after Adriana was summoned they split and opened realms of their element in places where their element was abundantly present.

The temple of their elements is inside the realms. Each realm entrance has a spell on it that allows only the elemental who opened it and people he or she allows to see and enter it, it is like its not even there to anyone else.

After Adriana came Jace who was given the power of air. Next was Katherine, who was filled with the power of water. Following her was Vance, crowned with the power of Earth. The sixth to be summoned was Rebekah, with the element of fire to match her hair and personality. The seventh was Jasmine, who was gifted with power of plants. Colton was next to join with the element of metal. After nine hundred years of this tradition, Hailey became an elemental with the power of spirit. Next was Volt, who wielded electricity. This was her nickname because she simply refused to say her true name. The latest summoned was Riley, who's element was disease.

When one becomes an elemental, they are marked on the back if their right hand with their element symbol. For most, crowning day was the only time they saw each other. It wasn't required for each to attend, but every crowning day all showed up out of curiosity. They had no idea what element or person was next. And even though each was curious, the reason why remained different for each.

~Okay y'all I finally uploaded the prologue. I've been meaning to for two days but I had a crapload of homework and I just started a book my writing teacher let me borrow called On a Pale Horse, it's pretty good :) Tell me what you think! Next upload should be this weekend hopefully.

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