The Elementals-Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"So where should we go to school? Nature didn't tell us where so I assume we get to choose." Hailey asked everyone after I returned her mirror.

"Nowhere near the opening of any realm. You all know we are stronger the closer we are to our entrances and I don't want one constantly stronger than the rest." Asher stated.

Everyone agreed with him. Wow this group has trust issues.

"We all know several languages, what do you speak Aidan?" Volt asked.

"Only English and French fluently." I replied back with more confidence than before. I was becoming more comfortable with these people, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

"It can't be in France, it's too close to my realm entrance. And anywhere in the U.K. is close to Hailey and Riley's. So America then?"

"In America the best place to be would be Florida. It's far enough away so that it wouldn't affect Asher or myself." Jace answered.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Sure I had left my whole life behind, but I could already tell this new one would be...interesting to say the least.

"So Aidan, any more questions? We've got nothing but time." Hailey asked with a trace of a smile.

"Actually, I think you covered everything." And I meant it. My mind was no longer drowning in confusion. To my utter surprise, Adriana was the next to speak.

"Finally." She said with a wicked grin. "Time for the best part of this."

What does she mean? If she's happy about something it can't be good.

"She's talking about the fight we have after every summoning as a tradition." Hailey finished.

What?! I can't fight these people! I'll be torched, drowned, electrocuted, mauled by summoned animals, the possibilities could go on forever.

"Relax, we have a room here that Adri has sucked all possibility of death out of. Even a human couldn't die in there." Riley soothed my worry only slightly.

" still hurts?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Oh yeah." Adriana looks ecstatic. She was looking forward to this way too much.

"Alright, let's go." Asher called and lead the way out of the room.


My stomach was flip flopping the whole time we marched down endless halls. Finally we reached a door that Ash opened. We filed in after him, me bringing up the rear. The room we entered was huge and completely bare. White floors, ceilings, and walls made it impossible to miss anything in here. If an ant was crawling across the far wall, you would be able to see it.

Ash told us to form a circle. I ended up between Vance and Hailey, each if them about twenty five feet away from me. Vance didn't acknowledge me at all, but Hailey gave me a small smile before a determined look came over her face. I hope we become friends, she seems more, for lack of a better word, human than the rest.

My thoughts shifted to the battle about to take place. How am I supposed to do this? I can't fight with music! If I had fire, or metal, or absolutely anything else, I would stand a chance. But music? I don't care what Adri has done to the room, I'm about to die.

"Begin!" Asher's loud voice boomed. It was a simple word really, just five letters. But with that word, what little order had been maintained while I'd been here had flown out the window, never to be seen again. It was even worse than the reaction to nature's announcement.

The first thing I noticed was the pounding rain, which effectively chilled me to the bone and blinded me at the same time. After that I saw a flash of light across the room, must be Rebekah going torch mode again. Next where the lightning bolts slamming into the ground with so much force I felt them from where I stood. One landed feet in front of me, sending me flying back and slamming into the wall hard. Vines came out of nowhere and wrapped around my ankles. I thrashed around wildly trying to escape them, but they simply gripped tighter and threw me across the room and into the far wall. When I slumped to the floor, I heard something in my leg crack.

How did they expect me to do this? They have had centuries to master everything about their elements, I've had minutes! All I knew how to do was sing well which I doubt will help.

A huge serpent slithered up to me out of the rain, yellow eyes glistening with malice. Must be one of Asher's summoned pets. All I can do is sing, so that's what I'll do. I've never been the kind of guy to go down without a fight. The words to the first song my band wrote together poured out of my mouth. All I wanted it to do was leave me alone. 'Go away, go away, go away' I chanted in my head. I felt stupid, but what else could I do, let it bite me?

The snake gave me a long look, then turned and quickly disappeared into the rain. I blinked in surprise and confusion. Did I actually make the snake leave just by singing and willing it to go away? I wanted to try again to be sure. Just then Jace dropped in front if me.

"Not doing too good huh?" He asked. I looked up at him and continued my song. I focused on just two words in my head-go away. Next thing I know, he was gone. It actually works! I can control animals and apparently even people with my thoughts when I sing! There no way both of them just left me alone by choice in the middle of a battle. Now maybe I can put up a real fight.

I was forced to wait for people to come to me, my leg was throbbing too much for me to walk. It didn't take long until I heard a laugh. Adriana stepped out of the rain and made her way towards me with far too much excitement.

"Well well, most new ones are bad but this is pathetic." She sneered as she loomed closer. "I can't actually kill on here, but I can push you right to the brink."

Lyrics burst from my mouth before she could begin any pushing towards the brink of death and rendering me unable to focus. 'Do not hurt me' I thought with all the strength I had left. She looked confused at first, which quickly contorted into pure fury.

"What are you doing? Why isn't my power working?" She hissed.

She lunged at me, but her hands stopped inches from me as if she'd hit a wall. I was surrounded by a shield she could not penetrate and neither of us understood very well. She glared daggers at me while contemplating what was happening and why she couldn't do anything to me.

Abruptly the rain stopped and the rest of the room became visible again. Finally I stopped singing, the battle was over.

The next few minutes were a blur. Asher healed me and Jasmine, who had been struck by one of the lightning bolts. Everyone was astounded when Adriana and Jace told them what happened, which I made clearer by explaining exactly how it worked. Something changed when I told them about my new power. They don't look like I was beneath them any longer. Through this, I gained their respect, and maybe even acceptance. But I'm sure things were far from over for Adriana and I.

~Things are definitely far from over between them. Adri holds grudges. Hehe I liked this chapter :) it was fun to write. What's gonna happen next?!?! Nobody knows! Oh wait, I do. I've got the whole next chapter planned. Chapter 8 will probably be when they actually start school. So this one was a little longer, you're welcome. I'm trying to get better at making them longer because I update only once a weekish or so. Goodnight! I haven't started writing the next one yet so it'll probably be at least a week but ill do my best.

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