The Elementals-Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I couldn't move from my current position on the cold stone floor for a full minute while my sight returned and the ringing in my head dimmed. I knew for sure I wasn't on stage anymore, somehow I had made it to somewhere completely silent. I looked up to see I was in a stone, circular room with torches burning. Had I gone back in time to the Middle Ages or something?

I spun in a circle, counting eleven people all wearing a different colored robe lining the walls. All sets of unblinking eyes were locked on to me, causing me to be even more on edge. I was far past confused, what are you supposed to even think when you're doing something you do all the time and suddenly you're in a 15th century room full of people looking at you? The answer is nothing, you're head is so bewildered it simply cannot think.

I felt something itchy on the back of my right hand and subconsciously scratched it while still trying to comprehend what was going on. It grew into pain until finally I looked down to see what was happening. Music notes were appearing on my skin like tattoos. 'Well sure, I'd just love to have something else to be confused about' I thought bitterly. Suddenly the pain intensified more, spreading through my body and forcing a scream out I my mouth. My body was burning, I have to be on fire. I looked down but no flames licked across my clothes.

It grew unbearable until I collapsed on the floor in a heap, where I sat shuddering until it was gone. Was it really gone, or have I gotten used to it after the days I've surely spent crumbled on the floor? When I scrambled up I felt something new, that replaced the pain. I couldn't quite name it, but it felt powerful. The power pulsated through every cell in my body, giving me the strength to look around and see that all the people remained frozen.

What, someone just appears in front of you, falls in a heap on the floor, and you just watch with no expression? That's messed up.

Music began filling my pounding head, but instead of making it worse, it soothed the headache until it was gone. More music bounced through my mind, it felt like I had every work every composed blaring throughout my head. Soon it faded, but I could still feel it lurking in the back of my mind, ready to resurface if necessary.

"Is it over?" A booming voice echoed. I turned, the voice came from behind me. A guy who looked maybe a few years older than me with white hair and golden eyes looked at me expectedly. I guess he's the one who asked.

"Is...what over? And where am I?" My words shook with nerves. I had no idea what was going on, who these people were, why I was here, absolutely nothing.

"The transformation. Is the pain gone?"

"Oh, ya nothing hurts anymore." My voice sounded weak compared to his booming one.

"Good. Now do you know what your element is?"

"I don't know what you've been smoking but you probably shouldn't anymore because I have no idea why you're talking about."

He sighed and muttered "Let me see your right hand."

"Why?" My eyes narrowing in suspicion at this sketchy guy wanting to look at my hand.

"It will tell me your element, if you show me I will explain everything to you."

That was tempting, I didn't really want him looking at me but the answers I needed were worth it. I held my hand out and he walked closer, his footsteps resounded loudly across the floor. He looked at my hand for a few seconds before asking quietly "Where you really involved with music?"

"How do you know that? I swear I don't know how the music tattoo got there, it just appeared. I was actually about to start a concert before I"

His eyes widened as he whispered urgently "Lots of people saw you being summoned? How many were there?"

"Yeah, I heard one guy say they sold out completely and there was almost ten thousand tickets."

The dudes eyes practically fell out of his head.

"Ten thousand? That should leave them confused." He laughed.

"Who spiked your coffee this morning?" I looked around at everyone staring at us. One girl had long, straight black hair and dark eyes. She looked pretty evil. I looked back at white haired guy and whispered "I bet the girl wearing all the black did it, you should watch her."

I received a few chuckled from around the room, finally. I was starting to think they were statues. He just shook his head with a smile on his face and told me to follow him, and seeing as how I really didn't have anything better to do I did. All twelve of us marched down a dimly lit hallway until we reached an open door and walked in. The room had several different colored couches and a fireplace burning merrily and sending dancing shadows across the wall. A large black rug stretched the entire length of the room, and the were some potted plants in the corners. We all sat on the couches and white hair began to speak again.

"New guy, what is your name?"

"Aidan..." I trailed off not knowing what else to say. I was still as confused as I've ever been and I wanted some answers now, but somehow, in a strange way, this felt right.

"The newest summoned is Aidan, elemental of music."

All the people who weren't already shamelessly staring at me now where. I wanted to just disappear into the couch and never come back out to escape their unreadable faces. I felt like the new kid at school.

"You are here because nature has chosen you to be the next elemental Aidan, a person who has total control over an element. Everyone here can control different things. We are going to introduce ourselves then give a small demonstration as further proof."

Everything sank in quickly. What he said sounded completely crazy, but a small part of me was whispering that it was true. He started to talk again. Seriously, there's eleven of them and only one of them has even spoken?

"I'm Asher, and I can manipulate life." I didn't even have time to process what he said before a huge, snarling lion appeared from thin air.

~Y'all I'm sorry I'm late. I suck at uploading regularly. :P I get distracting by other stories on here. So hope ya like the second chapter, I'll try to do the third one by this time next week. So who watched Revolution tonight??? I did. I even went to target and got a cantelope to celebrate Revolution night. It was scrumptious. The cantelopes there are huge :O So I don't know if I should make a cast for this story, I'll think about it. Night!

P.S. Y'all should go listen to the song Two Princes by the Spin Doctors, it's my new favorite song :D I like 90s music, don't judge.

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