The Elementals-Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I stumbled back in shock, tripped, and landed hard on a couch. Expecting it to start attacking, I screwed my eyes shut and prepared for the worst. So this is how it would end? Being mauled by a lion that some guy I dont even know just created out of nothing? How much more screwed up could all this get?

I waited for it to pounce but there was nothing at all. It didn't even sound like it was ripping the others apart, and there were no screams. I cracked one of my eyes and found myself looking right into the golden eyes of a predator. It had moved right in front of me but it showed no signs of looking like it would attack.

It moved a little closer and before I could even brace myself, it had its mouth on the side of my face. But instead of teeth penetrating my cheek, it's warm slobbery tongue was running up my face. Wait, it was licking my face? What lion does that?

Then it was gone. It had completely disappeared. I looked back up to Asher in confusion. He looked amused for some reason. "It would not have harmed you, it was under my control the whole time." He chuckled.

Even though I was wary, what he said must be true, right? What vicious predator just licks someone's face?

Next a woman with medium length, light brown hair and emerald green eyes stood up and smiled at me. "Hello. We are glad you are finally here. I'm Jasmine."

Well now I'm kinda uncomfortable. They've been expecting me? But before I could think further she continued. "I control all kinds of plants. From grass to corn stalks to moss." She then proceeded to walk briskly across the room to one of the plants in the corner.

Within five seconds the plant began to grow, rapidly. Soon half the room was as thick as a jungle. Vines shot out of the lush greenery and wrapped around my arms and legs and held me up. Then Jasmine stepped out of the leaves and walked towards me.

"People who underestimate the power of plants, are wrong."

"Message received." I replied back without breaking eye contact. She nodded and the plants withdrew back into the small plant.

She sat back down and another woman stood up. She looked young, no older than eighteen or nineteen. She had black hair with flashy purple highlights that suited her.

"Hi, I'm Hailey." She grinned shyly. "I know you're still confused, but we will explain everything. I have the element of spirit. I'll tell you about it before I show you because it can be confusing. It includes two main things. I can manipulate emotions and I'm strongly connected to souls of the dead, or ghosts as most people call them."

After her explanation she shut her eyes. Then I felt a presence in my head, someone searching through my memories and emotions. Then they all got stirred up at once, I could remember things I'd completely forgotten about in perfect clarity. I felt the purest forms of joy, sadness, and pain. My mind was being intruded on, and it was on the brink of chaos. My thoughts and emotions were jumbled, I couldn't think, if this kept up I would be pushed into insanity.

Finally it withdrew, and my thoughts returned to normal. These people had intense power.

When I opened my eyes again, a shimmering outline of a person now hovered by Hailey. It solidified more and more until I could make out the features and see that it was an old woman.

"Aidan, this is my mother. You can not hear her but I have the power to speak with spirits. She says hello, and that she is glad you are finally here. I speak with her almost every day so she knows what goes on here." Hailey said.

I could feel myself going into shock, my mind couldn't comprehend everything that was happening anymore. Lions, jungles, and ghosts filled my head and stole every wisp of breath from my lungs. My eyes went fuzzy until everything was a blur and I could no longer hear. I had put myself in my own world where things made sense. Nothing could get me here.

Suddenly there was a pull on my mind, dragging me back to reality and relaxing my thoughts until I was calm. I guess she could see the panic on my body and that I had drifted off. Now I was at ease.

"Don't worry about it, you're not the only one who's freaked out when they first get here." I heard.

I simply nodded in response. I couldn't speak, my mouth felt dry.

"Water..." I croaked.

The most refreshing, cool liquid I had ever tasted filled my mouth and quenched my thirst.

A girl stood up and looked towards me.

"Better?" She asked.

I nodded again. She shot me a small smile in return.

"We'll I guess I'll go next."

The rest of it continued on for ten minutes, and I learned the names and power of each person. Some power was truly impressive, and some of the people downright terrifying. One woman became completely shrouded in flames, I could feel the heat radiating off her from across the room. One guy walked on air as if it were a solid surface, and said afterward he had manipulated the air so that it really was solid. Slowly I accepted it as reality. How could I even pretend that it wasn't real after what I had seen? When the last guy finished, Asher took charge again, which he seems to do most of the time.

"So you've accepted it, correct? You're no longer skeptical?" He inquired.

"How can I be after all that?" I muttered back.

"Good, now we must explain some things. Do you know why you are here?"

Come to think of it, why was I here? I wasn't like these people. I shook my head, confused.

"You, like all of us, are an elemental now and your power is music."

Oh...well alright.

"So what can I do with it?" I wondered aloud.

"I am not quite sure, I suppose you would be very skilled at any instrument you could find and have a very talented voice. Other than that, I don't know."

Any instrument? Talented voice? All I know how to play is most guitars and my voice was only slightly above average. Had that changed? I wanted to know, now. I began to sing.

I didn't know what I was singing, I had never heard it before. It just flowed like honey from my lips. I had never heard anything more perfect in my life. When I finished, everyone had an awestruck look on their face, even the not so friendly ones. They seemed at a loss for words, as I was myself. But internally I was grinning like a crazy person. I could get used to the power of music.

~Woot, new chapter! Tell me what ya think y'all :) I tried to make it a little longer, I don't know if it was. So if ya haven't noticed I usually end my chapters with cliffhangers, it makes people wanna read the next part :) If you don't like it so far stick around cause I have already written the next chapter and it blew my own mind people. Stay tuned! Next upload should be in a few days. Goodnight y'all.

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