Chapter 5

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The next class we had was potions and Snape hated us with a passion. This was going to be worse than D.A.D.A. As we walked we tried to be as slow as possible so we didn't have to be there longer than we already had to.

"Can we just skip?" Sylvia huffed

"No! We can't it's the first day" Natalie said, we reached the potions door. As we stood in the doorway we looked around dreading the upcoming rage we were about to have.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to join us?" A chilling voice asked. We all walked to our seats and sat down and started talking about what might be for lunch.

"Today we are going to review what we did last yea-," Snape started but cut himself off when he heard us "Miss Corry 10 points from Gryffindor for interrupting class" Snape called. 

"Wha- But sir look at the other people talking we weren't the only ones!" I disagreed

"5 points for talking back" I just about lost it when he said that

"Alice shush" Natalie flicked my arm

"Now that we wasted 5 minutes I could've been teaching on Alices' foolish behavior I am adding 4 more inches to the essay on how to make Felix Felicis potion" He turned from our table dramatically as everyone groaned.

"Thanks a lot Corry" Jordan mumbled from he table next to me

"Oh shut it" I mumbled back. After class I just about ran out of the classroom until my name was called.

"Miss Corry!" Snape called from his classroom. I sighed and walked back to the empty classroom with just him remaining in it.

"Yes professor?" i asked

"That was foolish behavior you had in class today so deten-" He started 

"Severus go easy on them it is just their first day" Remus stood in the doorway

"Lupin" Snape said slowly "If you wouldn't mind I am teaching her a lesson for disrupting my class" 

"Professor I was talking about food with my friends for like 5 seconds cut me some slack! Some how I am the only one getting in trouble, there were more students talking too. Why is that?" I asked

"Your little gang of friends remind of 4 idiots I used to go to school with. You four act just like them it is scary. You also cause the most trouble too." He scoffed

"Severus don't be so rude I am right here!" Remus put his hand over his heart acting fake hurt.

"Who do I remind you of?" I was now intrigued

"No one" Snape replied

"Oh come on Snapey tell me!" I smiled

"Sirius Black" He spit out

"Huh" is all I could say, then I remembered he was also most likely talking about Remus because when he brought up 4 friends he mentioned 2 of them to be Remus and Sirius. "Huh?" I looked back at Lupin and repeated myself

"Miss Corry you should go to lunch now" Remus smiled

"Yes sir but I have one more question. Who do my other friends remind you of?" I asked

"Alice this is not appropriate behavior" Severus dodged he question

"Oh come on Snivellus tell her. I'm sure it already felt like a slap in the face that you told her she reminds you of a murderer but I do not disagree." Remus sighed. Sir huh? He agrees I remind him of a killer? Maybe just when they were children?

"Okay well Miss Grigg reminds me of James Potter, Jinx like Remus here, and Newton kind of like Lily Evans" He said quietly

"Snape that is unhealthy that someone here reminds you of Lily" Remus chuckled

"Huh?" Is all I could say again

"Just go to lunch!" Snape almost yelled, I just bolted out of the classroom without saying another word. I need to tell the others. I remind them of Sirius Black? Huh. This is confusing. Snape must have some real issues if he holds grudges on people that look like his enemies. What a sad man. But Remus was friends with Sirius Black? And not to mention Harrys' dad. This was weird. Lupin even acted like us, this was really confusing.

Memories (Remus Lupin X Student OC)Where stories live. Discover now