Chapter 9

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Once the other students started filling the tables Jordan Marcus recognized me and flipped me off so I did too. I suppose remus noticed because he chuckled a bit. Dumbledore arose from his seat and gave a short speech but while he was me and the girls were talking about how annoying Snape's homework was.

"I'm sitting right next to you Mrs.Corry, you are aware of that right?" Snape's head peaked from right next to the scarred faced professor.

"My apologies professor." I said and did a fake sad face. Of course I knew he was right there but after the extra homework he gave today I did not care.

Snape just scoffed and sat straight up again. Once Dumbledore finished his speech the food appeared on the table and the headmaster sat back in his seat. 

 Once I started eating I realized I furthest from Professor Mcgonagall which is who my 3 friends were having a conversation with so I sat to my self, stuffing a chicken leg in my face. 

"You eat like a pig Alice." Snape spoke up

"As do you professor. Yet you don't hear me complaining about it. I keep to myself sir due to me being a very polite student." I smiled

"'Polite' you say. More like obnoxious and doesn't know when to quit. Learn to respect your teachers Miss Corry."  He snapped back. This man knows just what annoys me.

""Learn to respect your teachers Miss Corry"" I said in a high pitched tone, mocking him. He shot me a glare which I responded with putting my hands in the air and shrugging. Professor Lupin was clearly trying not to laugh since he was in the middle of the both of us. Severus got up and sat at a different seat. Finally.

Remus laughed, "Seems you two get along."

"Merlin that man gets on my nerves."

"He never changes." Remus shook his head. After that we ate in silence for a few minutes.

"So what d'you think about the students this year?" I asked

"Most of them are very respectful so they are easier to teach. I sure hope they like me." He rubbed the back of his head

"Oh trust me they do. You are especially popular with the girls." I laughed. Oh god I regret saying that.

"What do you mean by that?" he raised his eyebrows and smiled them turned to face me.

"Well y'know you are pretty young and your looks aren'y bad and uh-" My awkward explanation was cut short by Sylvia. 

"Right Alice?" She spoke

"Hm?" I turned away from the professor who was smiling sheepishly at me for another few seconds.

"How you were planning on being a journalist or a Hogwarts professor when you graduate?" She repeated

"Don't say that out loud!" I jumped up a little

"I'm surprised you want to do something so serious Miss Corry i'm proud." Minnie smiled

"Thank you professor." I grinned and turned back to my food

"So if you were to become a professor here, what would you want to teach?" Lupin asked. I guess he heard.

"Potions teacher!" I said proudly. Snape looked over to me after hearing that. "Better be careful Snape. I'll be after your job in a couple of years." I pointed my fork at him, he just rolled his eyes and continued eating.

"I see. Well who knows, maybe we will both be professors together." He shrugged

"That would be nice to be work buddies with some one who isn't elderly here." Snape looked back again after i said that. "Can you butt out of our conversations?" he just sneered. Me and Remus laughed and made jokes the rest of dinner then after that we all went to our dormitories and went to bed. Tonight was a good night.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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