Jimin (Point of View PT2)

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Some things should be experienced once. They should remain the first and only moment you'll ever encounter them. Special and unreachable. Precious and treasured.

Jungkook was that memory to Jimin.

Familiar yet distinct. A bizarre coincidence. A story untold.

As unexplainable as the impression he had left, Jimin never wanted to find the answers or trace the rippling effect that stirred his emotions. Because some things were beautiful mysterious, enthralling beyond reach.

That's why, when he finds the man standing feet apart from himself in his garden, real and absolute, Jimin feels fear. Ever so slowly, fate strips the pink layers off of his memories, leaving the bitter aftertaste of disappointment that Jimin was running from.

Maybe that's why he treats Jungkook with chagrin when the man reappears at his door the very next morning. He is holding flowers and Jimin is not stupid enough to not understand that they are for him. But he resists. He doesn't like to have mood swings; they leave him immobile. He doesn't like people who act unpredictably; they leave him confused.

And that's when he meets the determination in Jungkook's eyes.

"I promise I'm not here convince you to do anything."

I back came for you.

"I just wanted to apologize."

I hurt you.

"I know it was really stupid to come and ask you a favor like that without considering how detrimental it would be for you, taking part in such a project."

I was wrong.

"Um, do you want to go that coffee shop in front of the park?"

Let me make it right.

Jimin finds out at that moment for the first time, that there are certain special memories — they only get better as you revisit them.

It's been a while since Jimin has become greedy about something.

He is more of a backdrop for other more important people, events and things to shine. He is an essential part of the picture but he goes unnoticed, like it is a given that he will be there unconditionally.

Well, he will be there at the end of the day no matter what, but for once, he wants the lead role.

He likes the trailer, but he wants to live in a flat. He likes his jobs, but he wants to have a profession he is good at. He likes his town, but he wants to know what it's like to feel like a dot in a big city. He likes his routine, but he wants to be part of something bigger.

He is tired of being low-maintenance. He is tired of being content with what he has.

He doesn't expect Jungkook or his team to understand why he takes advantage of their trust in him. He doesn't even devise a plausible excuse to give or an apology to make in case he is ashamed of his sudden attack. It won't hold a significance if he ends up calling the shots anyway.

Be shameless, he reminds himself, I have to. I don't have the luxury to be the good guy today. If I do that, I'll regret not choosing myself tomorrow.

It's a cheap move. It's nasty to makes promises and use them against people at times they are most helpless. He hates himself when Jungkook's eyes lock into his, when he figures out that Jimin lied to him.

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