20 | Precious To Me

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It's the night of the weekend when Jungkook finds himself in front of a familiar restaurant. 

The indoor's restaurant where he had tasted nachos for the first time is very much functional; busier and more mat but pretty similar to its day form. The transformation challenges the garden area, now a vintage-looking intimate bar.

Jin's question about Jungkook's opinion on the place goes unanswered as Jungkook is dragged by a hand. He barely can barely hear anyway, mesmerized by the atmosphere of the bar-centered garden, made into the focal point of the outdoor area by subtle pink-and-blue lighting and an in-plate patio cover. It's goes easy yet lasts on the eye, satisfying the hideaway concept with its grape ives wall-belt entrance.

The four friends occupy a table in the corner, not too close to the small dancing crowd but not isolated either. To their luck, the speakers are stowed on the wooden pole next to their table. Jungkook's natural response would be to get annoyed but he doesn't here because the volume is the perfect amount of mellow, just like that other time. The type of music is great too: alternative/indie always brought an inexplicable sense of joy to Jungkook's soul. Satisfaction... but not the dull kind. The kind that makes you feel giddy in a good way. A really, really good way.

Yoongi, Jin and himself order cocktails while Minji visits the restaurant, returning with a small plate of pizza. 

"Can you believe they have these small portions? It's like a quick snack. Love it," she says as she pulls a chair under her. She is wearing an exotic outfit tonight, thready half-sleeved shirt and jean shorts — the perfect mood for this summery weather. 

Jungkook is already looking forward to more of these lovely nights. It's neither chilly nor suffocating-hot. April is indeed the best.

"Are you sure you're gonna be full with that?" Yoongi asks Minji, leaned back on his chair. He looks only a little funny in the big wooden back rest of the chair that swallows him up. There are so many reasons to find Yoongi cute lately.

Minji nods with a smile, taking a small bite out of a slice. Her eyes droop as she ravishes the pizza, humming delightfully and making the rest of them laugh.

"You guys are getting along lately," Jin pokes at Yoongi, winking. Jungkook listens distantly, immersed in his tasty drink and the good music.

Minji meets Yoongi's eyes, showing him a bratty fake smile and going back to eating. Yoongi is tempted to let go of his contained predisposition, but Jungkook catches the little snarl parting the corner of his lips. 

Did they not get along before? Jungkook always assumed Minji was good with everyone. She does have that naturally reconciling personality, doesn't she?

"Are you doing well financially?" Yoongi takes a sip of his drink while keeping his eyes on the girl. 

Minji nods while swallowing, looking for something on the table. Jungkook tentatively offers her his napkin. She thanks him with a smile and uses it to wipe the sides of her mouth, turning back to Yoongi. "I'm getting paid in two days, so... I'd say I'm well off!" her smile shifts into a smirk, eyes glowering at Yoongi. "Why? You gonna give me allowance?"

Yoongi chuckles, nevertheless bitterly. "You won't take it anyway,"

"At least you know," Minji sweetly ups her shoulder, the slightly exposing skin shining under the blue lights reflecting from the bar. She suddenly turns to Jungkook. "Are you supported by your family?" 

Jungkook raises his eyebrows, bothered in the middle of his delicious sip. 

"Does your family pay for you, do they send you money? If not, how do you make a living?"

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