3 | Code Word: Mascot

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Jungkook is that one student who doesn't want to stick out too much but falls captive to his curiosity with his major, which ends up with him shouting over his questions from the farthest seat at the back of the amphitheater. He believes his vocal cords have improved ever since the beginning of his junior year, just trying to get himself heard by the professor. 

Notwithstanding, he is not enjoying the current situation where he is really doing his best to pose a particular question yet neither Dr. Yang nor other students are able distinguish the tone of his voice.

"Hold that thought, Jungkook. Give me a second." interrupts Dr. Yang with a wave, clearly annoyed by the megaphone announcement parroting on the hallways numerous times through the morning. Jungkook relaxes back into his seat and wanders his eyes over the little rectangle window pane on the door of the classroom. He sees a little baggage tractor decorated with colorful posters, someone holding a megaphone maneuvering it while endlessly announcing.

"Costumed mascot raffle season for Gidae University, the guy's voice echoes. Put your applications in earlier than tomorrow morning! Good luck to everyone! Costumed mascot raffle season for Gidae University. Put your applications-"

"Do you guys think I should make a complaint to the security? Or secretary?" Dr. Yang asks the class in desperation, fanning her face excessively with a notebook. She is frustrated and Jungkook assumes she doesn't need to hear the rest of his earlier question. He retreats, bulging eyes fixating on his lap and lips pressing shut.

Nope, she doesn't.

"The annoucement speakers are not working today from what I heard? That's probably why they got a truck to circulate on the halls." A female student from the front rows speaks. Dr Yang shakes her head and waves her arms expressing the what-am-I-supposed-to-do-then frustrain of thought although she ends up not saying anything. She puts down her notebook and closes the lecture Powerpoint in one swift move.

"Well you guys will have to do the rest of the reading at home because we can't continue under these circumstances. If you have any questions about the material feel free to email me, we can do an online session later if you want."

Class is dismissed. 

Regardless of how intrigued he was with the first ever made advertisement in history, Jungkook appreciates a class off. He is one of the lasts to exit the class since his bag is unpacked with stationary sprawled across the desk unlike the majority who sat at the edges of their seats ready to dissipate as soon as lecture ended. 

He takes his time heading out, halting upon the image of the truck from earlier failing to fit inside the floor elevator.

He runs over on impulse.

"Hey, hey, be careful!"

The announcer boy is grateful for Jungkook's presence, welcoming his help. The truck is guided inside the elevator with ease and the student can resume with the work. 

"Thank you for your help. Oh, and don't forget to sign up for the Mascot Raffle if you haven't already!" He smiles lastly, throwing a yellow flyer through the crack before the elevator doors shut closed on him. 

"Yeah," Jungkook mutters, catching piece of paper with a funny smile, finding the student's passion amusing for such a random job. But then the school mascot raffle has always been a thing during the sports season in Gidae, stirring up the whole university when the Winter National University Games approach. It's Jungkook's first time witnessing it, since he's a freshman. 

Even if his questions aren't heard over the loudness of the speaker sometimes, Jungkook supposes he likes the commotion, the excitement of an extra-curricular activity enliven the student community. 

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