Chapter 4

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Graces P.O.V
My dad hid away in his study as soon as we stepped through the door, and my mum went straight to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. I sprinted up the stairs and into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

The only thing i could think of doing was scream. so i did. i was yelling. Tears were streaming down my face again. This time they were faster and warmer. My throat started to burn up, but i felt like i deserved it, so i didnt stop screaming. I smashed my fist against my laptop keyboard, causing it to turn on. i eventually stopped yelling and stared at my screen.

i perched myself on my chair still staring at my screen. it was conveniently already on the internet browser. I turned on my phone and looked at the websites my aunt had sent me. www. was the first website, and it stood for 'Just Talk'. My mouse hovered over the 'username' button, and my mind was overflowing with annonymous ideas. Then it hit me: 'sadpunk410'. I entered in my name as my password and my account was suddenly created.

Different chat rooms for different reasons. I clicked on the 'need a friend?' Icon. A list of people who probably haven't even looked at this website in 8292839 years popped up. My attention was immiediatly brought to a boy named 'michaelo cliffondo' . A boy with a long blonde fringe and a blink-182 shirt appeared in a small square next to his name. He seemed to like good music so I hovered my curser over the 'start chat' button.
"What have I got to lose?" I thought to myself. Finally i brought myself to click down on my mouse.

Sadpunk410: hey

MichaeloCliffondo: hi?

Sadpunk410: sorry am I bugging you?

MichaeCliffondo: no it's just, not many people want to talk to me voluntarily. I assume you clicked on my name at random?

Sadpunk410: not nesseserily at random. You were wearing a blink shirt and I don't know anyone else that likes them...

MichaeloCliffondo: HOLY BALLS YOU LIKE BLINK?!!?!?!!

I was giggling in my chair. My aunt was right, this does kind of help.

Sadpunk410: Yeh XD is that bad or good?

MichaeloCliffondo: this is very very very very very good!

MichaeloCliffondo: no offence but what gender are you? I don't get much from your username and a blank picture XD

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, contemplating on weather or not to tell him. I didn't need another Ashton in my life. But I told him anyway.

Sadpunk410: I am of the female gender lol :D

MichaeloCliffondo: R u serious? This is so cool! Im sorry it's just all the girls I know hate anything to do with that kind of music. :(

Sadpunk410: well now you know me :)

MichaeloCliffondo: and im really glad I do :)

My eyes started to shut faintly at my lack of sleep. But I still wanted to talk to my new 'internet friend'.

Sadpunk410: I sort of need to go now but have you got kik or something we can talk on XD

As soon as I hit send I felt like a weird underage stalker. I never thought I'd have to ask anyone that question even if it was just over the internet.

MichaeloCliffondo: HELL YES! Your awesome so Yeh. Here's my kik: pizzaking182 :) im very proud of my name XD

Sadpunk410: your name is really cool indeed. Mines: rainbowbands182 so we are kind of name twins XD I'll send you a message in tomorrow byeeee

MichaeloCliffondo: sure okay :) bye my new radical friend

My heart sank at that last message. I felt pathetic at the same time. I was so happy to have made a friend that I forgot about everything. And when I lay i bed that night all I could think of was him calling me his friend. My eyes were once again gradually shutting, until I heard a glass smash and I woke up immidiatly. I sat up and curled in a ball in the corner of my bed. Then I heard shouting from my parents. When I could finally make out what they were saying, my happy mood turned into anger. They were fighting about me.

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