Chapter 14: The Intel.

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Danny and Dani arrived at their house with alternate Danny, Dayla, alternate Dani and Dale. The four looked around at Danny and Dani's place.

"Wow, nice place you two got." Dayla said.

"Thanks. Dani and I decided to get our own place together until one of us get married someday." Danny said.

"Anyway, Danny and I should get what we came here for." Dani said.

"Right. Well, you two can look around downstairs but don't touch anything." Danny said.

"Righto." alternate Dani said with a mock salute and a smile.

Danny and Dani went upstairs and heads for a closet that is outside their bedrooms. Danny then open the closet door to see two USAF flight suits. Danny hand Dani hers before he grabbed his.

"Good thing the Air Force let us keep these flight suits the last time we did this." Dani said.

"That's because you asked Tyndall's base commander because you wanted a flight suit since we both play Ace Combat." Danny said.

"You got that right. Was a opportunity that day." Dani said with a smirk.

"Well, we better change into these flight suits." Danny said.

"Righto." Dani said.

Danny and Dani went to their respective bedrooms to change into their USAF flight suits, which both has the American flag patch and the Air Combat Command patch. Dani also temporarily tied her hair into a ponytail, as she does whenever she works out or does her martial arts training. Dani doesn't like it since it reminds her of Vlad, but at least she wants to look like a professional fighter pilot, even though she knows that if she and Danny were in the Air Force, their hair would still not meet the dress code. Danny and Dani finally got changed into their flight suits before heading downstairs where alternate Danny, Dayla, alternate Dani and Dale were waiting for them. The first thing Danny noticed is that alternate Danny is holding a Captain America vibranium shield.

"Hey, older Danny. This is a pretty cool shield you got." alternate Danny said.

"Thanks. It was a gift from Steve. You know, Captain America." Danny said.

"He gave you his shield?" Dale asked.

"It was a second Captain America vibranium shield that Steve got for me. He gave his original one to a friend and fellow Avenger of mine. Gave this one to me since I'm his number one fan since I idolized him when I was a kid, and he was my mentor." Danny replied.

"You did mention him back at Fenton Works, saying you can never see him again. So, where is he now?" Dayla asked.

"Like I said, he enjoyed the life he wanted." Danny said.

"And it's best we don't say his whereabouts." Dani said.

"I see." alternate Dani said.

"And I told you not to touch anything. Well, we do have his Team Phantom shield back at Fenton Works. And speaking of that, we better head back there." Danny said.

All Phantoms then changed into their ghost forms to head back to Fenton Works. Once they made it back, they change back into their Human forms, which everyone noticed Danny and Dani flight suits.

"Phantom Squadron?" Sam asked.

"Yep, time to bring the squadron back after 7 years." Danny replied.

"So, while we wait for the data, what's the plan?" Tucker asked.

"Well, those air force pilots won't be able to hold off those Harvester air forces. So, Dani and I will help them in the air in shooting down the Harvesters attackers as well as the Keep II. We'll head to Tyndall and fly the F-22s again. While Dani and I take on the Harvester air forces and the Keep II, you all will help the US Army and take on the Harvester ground troops. You gotta get to the substation and disconnect the drill from it." Danny said.