\33/ halloween

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Violet Ibolya

I woke up and look at the alarm clock that is standing on my bedside table, 9:47 a.m I groans and step out of the bed and head to the shower.
I put the shower on and let my mind wander over the memories.

An owl is flying towards the flat we live in, dady I yell and I open the window.
Yes darling my father's voice says, the owl land in our kitchen.
Dad takes of the letter and feed the owl, it's the Potter's owl.
Dad opens the roll of parchment and start to read the letter.

Dear Sirius and Violet,
It's getting harder Harry has been crying all week, we can't figure something out to stop him.
We hoped maybe Vivi could help, Harry adored her and they are a great couple.
I know we shouldn't tell you where we are but we really want to see if this can work, please let us know your answer Sirius for now hope you two are alright.

Loved Lily, James and Harry.

You wanna help aunt Lily and uncle James out darling dad ask, yes daddy I wanna see Harry! I wanna help! I say.
Dad sighed and lifts me up, this is gonna be a weird feeling darling dad say before we apparate away.

Just stay here darling I need to go now dad say, I nod and play with some flowers on the ground.
It are Lilies and Violet's, dad disappeared and I hear some footsteps behind me.
Hello little Jamie I hear a all to familiar voice UNCLE PRONG'S!! I yell and tackle him in a hug.
C'mon we can't stay out here any longer James say and take me inside their house.

Lil's were here James yells, we get inside the living room and I notice Harry laying on the couch.
His small body shaking and cries are being heard, I run over to him and cuddle him.
Hello Harry what's wrong? You don't have to cry I say as best as an 3 year old can.

Harry turns around his cries stops but the tears are still falling, I pulled some funny faces that makes him laugh.
Vivi he says grabbing my pink, I nod it's me Harry I say.

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I have stayed with them for a few days now, today is Halloween.
James has been decorating the house in a spooky theme, Lily helped cutting my hair and dyed it all black. Stupid blond black hair.

It's already getting late, we have been standing in front of the window.
Watching some neighbour kids doing trick or treat, every time the door in front of the Potter manor opens we could have some snacks as well from Lily.

We had an amazing dinner but Harry's and my eyes got tired so James brought me to my bed, Lily is trying to get Harry to sleep.
*Bang bang* James looks up and walks back towards their front door.
*Bang bang* the door flew open and a white skinned man walked, hello James it's time where is the boy the man say.
James turned around Lily it's him run and flee away I will hold him off James shout.

But before James could do anything, a green flash shot from the man's wand.
James fell down on the ground not moving anymore.
The man laughed and walked towards the staircase and went up, tears streamed down my face and went over to James his wand. Not that I can use it.

I hear Lily scream but after that its all silent, I stayed in my room waiting for anyone to pick me up.
I hear someone or something running inside the house and up the stairs.
That thing as well left after some time, it's been some minutes later but my dad walked in my room, darling come we need to get out he says picking me up.
Uncle prongs aunt Lily, Harry I say crying.

Dad apperates us to a cottage village, he bangs on a door and apperates away.
Leaving me behind, the door opens and a feel a pair of arms around me.
Vivi the voice say, moony I cry and hug my uncle and godfather tight.
What are you doing here, is that James wand Moony ask there dead I say after that I could only cry.

I shook my head, Merlin beard.
This memory will always hunt me, why did I need to be there that night.
Why couldn't they stop Harry from crying themselves.
Why is it still after Harry.
I turn of the shower and change, I run out of my dorm and the common room.

I run outside the castle and towards the black lake, I let myself fall down and sit against a tree.
Tears are streaming down my face.
I see two blurry figures running towards me, Vi what's wrong they ask in sync.
James' and lily's dead 12 years I say stumbling on the words, shit we know it's hard especially with your relationship with them they say.
How's Harry I ask he's good I think he knows about this day Fred says.
George whispers my tears and they pull me into a groups hug.
Thank you boys you two mean a lot to me I say kissing their cheeks.

Let's go pull some pranks, let the marauders live again even on a day like this don't mourn them but continue their legacy George say.
I laugh at his statement but nod.
We stand up and run back inside the castle and pull a lot of pranks.

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It's a lot later the feast has just started, this is our last prank for today.
The twins wink at me and peoples appearing start to change, some got different skin colours others just hair colours and by others it's their voice.
The hole hall burst out laughing, at the end of the feast everything has worn off.
Everyone went back to their common room.

The staircase and hall in front of the Gryffindor corridor is full with Gryffindor's, what's happening I ask.
Headboy here let me through Percy says picking his way past us.
I got a clear look on the portrait and see scratches all over the portrait, McGonagall and Dumbledore make their way up as well.

The fat lady has been attacked McGonagall say peeves flies above us.
Poor lady all scared ran away peeves say, do you know who Dumbledore demands Oh yes, Professor, he got very angry when she wouldn't let him, you see. Nasty temper he's got, that Sirius Black.

Where is she now peeves Dumbledore ask, flee away to the wild lands hiding peeves say before flying away.
Dumbledore walks away and towards a different painting, and surely there she is.
Gryffindor's you go back to the great hall, the castle needs to be searched and you lot will sleep therefore tonight in the great hall Dumbledore say, Mcgonagall and Percy lead us down and back to the great hall.

What an adventure Halloween brings I mumble, it's always Halloween that brings bad things Lee says.
It's truly is the day of bad things I say.


Part 33 Halloween and the fat lady attack

Also a little more inside of Violet's relationship with the Potter's.
Sorry for the hurt that the flashback may have brought up.


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