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Tommy's Pov:
It's at this point almost 11pm and I didn't want to be loud so I told them that I'm gonna go to bed now.

"I think I'm gonna end the stream too guys" Tubbo says.

Ranboo and Ponk had already left because they had something to do so it was only me, Jack, Tubbo, Fundy and Wilbur.

"Yeah Same" Jack replies to Tubbo.

They both end the stream and Tubbo, Tommy and Jack leave the discord call they were in.

Wilbur and Fundy weren't busy nor tired so they stayed in the call.

"So you're a Simp Fundy?" Wilbur asks breaking the silence.
"No Will, you guys all called her prettier than Tommy so why am I getting called a Simp?" Fundy gets mad but knows that it's just a joke.

They argue a while until somebody joins their call.

It's Tess?

Tessa's Pov:
I was about to go sleep when I got a message from Tommy on discord asking if he can give Wilbur my discord. I said yes and questioned him why and he replied:

I don't know Wilbur told me to ask you

That was quite strange but I still said fine.

A few minutes later I get a call from Wilbur and Fundy. They are still in the same call that we were in hours ago.

I pick it up still sitting on my chair at the desk.

"Who did you add Will?" Somebody asks and its Fundy.
"Why did you add me Wilbur?" I ask after.

"I was bored arguing with Fundy the whole time so I asked for your discord." Will answers.

"I was about to sleep but I guess I can stay here for a while" I tell them and go to the bed.

"Yeah please stay Fundy is gonna annoy me" Will says and Fundy wants to say something but his mic cuts off because he was shouting.

I sit down on my bed and put my phone next to me. I take out my sketchbook from my backpack and put it on my two thighs. A pencil is already on the desk so I get it.

"So what were you guys arguing about anyway?" I ask them starting to draw a figure.

"Oh nothing" Fundy quickly answers and Wilbur chuckles.

"Alright, I'm drawing something right now so don't expect me to always reply" I say still being focused on my drawing.

"What are you drawing Tess?" Will asks and I turn on my camera to show him the figure I was drawing.

"It looks so good damn" Furry tells me and I smile saying thank you.

--some time later--

We had been talking about random topics and sometimes Wilbur and Fundy would argue over the littlest things.

Fundy also played the piano and Will the guitar. While I was drawing something.

I am quite proud of the sketch I had drawn and for some reason I could concentrate more when the boys were playing on their instruments.

It was so comforting and I almost fell asleep while drawing. I was pretty tired since I had been streaming 2 times today.

My sketch is done and I place it on the table next to my bed. I don't mine staying in the call with them for the night unless they talk too loud again.

They both still play their instruments and I'm just silent. I close my eyes and just listen to the songs they were playing. I know Wilbur was playing one of his songs
"I'm in love with an e-girl"

I'm not sure what Fundy played but it sounded very nice.

Fundy's Pov:
I realize how quiet Tess is and ask for her. Nobody answers.

"Maybe she's asleep? I mean it's half past one in the UK right now." Wilbur says trying to be quiet.
"It's half past 2 here in Netherlands." I say.

We talk quietly not trying to wake her up and Wilbur gets food a few times.
I play the piano or play Minecraft for a while.

"Fundy it's almost half past 2 I think I'm gonna go to bed now" You could hear his really tired and husky voice.
"Good Night Will" I say deciding to stay in the call.

"Aren't you gonna leave the call to?" He asks before leaving.
"I'm not really tired right now and I don't want to just hang up on Tess. She might get mad at me" I say in defense even tho I was kinda tired.

"Simp-" and Will left. What an asshole.

After a few hours it was already 8:26am in Netherlands and I had no sleep at all. It should be 7:26am in the UK right now.

This was the first time in weeks since I had no sleep and it felt awful.
I hear someone groan and I Yelp since I didn't know where it came from.

I remember that I'm in a discord call and see that it's still only me and Tess...maybe she woke up.

"Tess? Are you awake?" I ask being careful not to be too loud.
"Huh? Wait am I still in discord." She sounds really tired and I don't blame her.
"Yeaah me and Wilbur we're playing Minecraft for a while until he left to go to bed. I stayed tho" I say.

"Does that mean you had no sleep or?" She asks sounding a little worried.
"Maybe? I wasn't that tired and I didn't want to leave you here all alone" I laughed nervously hoping she would believe that I wasn't tired.

"Boy I can hear how tired you are don't lie to me" she says confidently and I just raise my eyebrows in surprise.

It sounds like she's getting up and I just awkwardly wait for her to say something.
"Fundy take a nap or something I want you to get some sleep at least" she yawns while saying this.
"Does TessaInnit care for me?" I say in a shocked and "cute" voice.

"Yes I do dumbass"

Fundi ~ 𝐹𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑦 Where stories live. Discover now