I'm Staying

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Tsukishima walked over to you and noticed that the color had returned to your face. As he got to you, he tugged on the collar of the high neck that you were wearing. Annoyed by it he leaned down to your ear and whispered, "We'll talk about this." 

Your face flushed red, clearly not expecting him to notice or care. You stare at your feet silently as he fiddles with his phone next to you. A few moments later you sigh and muster up the courage to join the large group of teenagers hanging out. Tsukishima followed you to the couch and protectively sat next to you. Confused by his sudden change in behavior, you tried not to look at him. 

Instead, you quizzed Kiyoko about why practice was canceled. "Well apparently, there's a practice match that coach arranged for us next week and so they're making the few repairs that were needed in our gym." 

"Oh" was your only reply.

"(Y/n)-chan, sensei mentioned that you have a court here too." Kiyoko's soft voice broke your hesitant demeanor.

"Oh yes I do!" giggling, you stand up and take her hand, forgetting that yours were literal ice and she snatches her hands back in shock.

"(Y/n)! Your hands are so cold!" Her high-pitched voice caught everyone's attention.

"I- um... I'm very sorry, they get like that sometimes. Let's go outside. I'll show you to the court." You feel yourself start to want to hide in your inner shell again. Panic and pain were starting to hit you in waves as you put your hands in front of you and led everyone to a large door that was on the same side as the TV. "Well, you see, that's the backside of the house. This is the front. On one side of the yard, I have a small volleyball court and on the other side, I have a pool. But um...we may have a problem... I just have one volleyball." You explain softly as you open the door, revealing a large manicured lawn. You slink away to a corner on the porch as everyone filtered out to explore, excited comments coming from them.

 Kiyoko noticed you lurking and she walked over to you and held your hands in her warmer ones, "Don't worry about it." She gazed at your hands, they were slightly blue and a worried look settled on her perfect face, "Are you okay?" She gave you a small smile in an attempt to comfort you.

It worked...for now. "Yes, Kiyoko-san. I'm okay."

She kept holding your hands in trying to warm them, "About the volleyballs... I know that everyone has at least one at home. They could get their ball from home if that's okay."

"That could work...in fact...why don't you guys stay over for this weekend?....we could have a mini Karasuno training camp here. I have the space and it would be so much fun!" 

Yachi heard this from where she was standing and walked over to both of you, "That sounds like a great idea. And since it's just our team we could even cut out a portion of time for studying and personal activities! But how will we manage all this?" She was a bit nervous.

You and Kiyoko chuckled, "We aren't managers for nothing. Let's see how the boys take it." You smiled and pulled your hands from Kiyoko's and thanked her before you ushered her to get the boys.

"Hey, boys! I have to ask all of you something!" Kiyoko shouted and everyone jogged over, beckoned by the goddess herself and she explained the plan. 

Tanaka was the first to speak, "So, we get to have a sleepover at a goddess's house with all 3 goddesses here and play volleyball and with everyone."

"Yes."  You answered them.

"I'm in!" Nishinoya exclaimed and soon everyone had agreed to the idea.

"Well, So everyone can go back to their homes and get what they need for 2 days. It's not like a training camp so you can bring books and do homework. But what you do have to bring is your volleyball. Get permission from your guardians and we'll meet back here. And be quick because the food that we ordered will be here soon." You advised with a smile.

You swore that you had never seen everyone move so fast and smoothly as a collective unit. Within 5 minutes everyone had grabbed their stuff and left your house through the front door. Leaving you with the realization that you had promised to meet your brother on Sunday. 

"Oh shit." You muttered and sent him and your secretary a few texts. A driver would pick up your brother from the academy when he called and would drop him off. Luckily your brother didn't mind since you promised to introduce him to everyone on the volleyball team. The thought of 'More big brothers' was enough for him to forgive you for changing your plans so suddenly.

Just as you got ready to put away your phone a tall blonde came walking through the door. You had forgotten about him. He strode towards you and you held perfectly still as he pulled down the turtle neck you were wearing to expose the marks on your neck, "What are these?" His voice was serious and firm.

You gulped, "I just had a panic attack and my nails must have left marks." Something had stopped you from lying and he stepped back from you to pull out a small tube of ointment from his bag, "Can I?" He asked and you nodded, unable to process what was happening.

He pulled you to the couch and firmly kept hold of the collar with one hand and gingerly applied the cream with the other. You leaned your head back for him as he did and closed your eyes as he worked. When he was done, he took the collar and very delicately placed it back, making sure there was no rubbing of the cloth on your sensitive skin. "Thank you." was all you could manage to squeak out at the moment.

Your face was red as you looked away and he pats your head with a smirk, "Sure Shortie."

Just then, Kageyama walked in with his bag, "Oh, so the salt can be soft." was his only comment as he sat in front of you on the ground with his back against the couch facing you.

"Shut up, King," Tsukishima responded and you glared at him then moved towards Kageyama. 

Out of pure habit, you grabbed his head to play with his hair knowing that your hands were now finally warm, "Don't be stupid, Tobio." 

He sent a condescending smirk to Tsukishima and he grit his teeth as he watched you play with his raven locks, "I missed this. (Y/n). Why did you leave all of us for so long, Boke?" He softly asked, clearly weak from your kind touch. 

Your heart broke a little inside, "I won't go anywhere now. I'm staying." was all you could say before one by one everyone came back, and sent glares to Kageyama which you were blissfully unaware of as you were lost in thought.

Tsukishima had stayed by your side and it was enough to keep you calm for the time being. 

Hinata was the last to come in, followed by a smaller female version of himself, "Whaaaaaaat! (Y/n)-san! Play with my hair too! " He whined and you chuckled.

"Sure, come here." You smiled at the mini sunshine, "And who is this young lady?" 

She came and sat on your lap, stunning everyone, "My hair first. I want a braid! I'm Hinata Natsu! Shoyo's little sister. I came to drop Ni-chan off to make sure he wasn't doing something stupid." 

"Natsu! You promised you'd go to the park after seeing that I wasn't running away." He mumbled and you laughed.

"I'm keeping her. My brother is visiting soon and is about your age. I'm sure you'll have a friend soon!" You truly adored innocent kids. They were refreshing and so cute.

"Really?" She looked at you with big eyes.

"Yes! Let me see about that braid while I'm at it!" You took the rubber band from your hair and started braiding her hair while the food arrived and Yachi and Kiyoko plated it. 

"Hinata, She is just as welcome as you are by the way!" You smiled at the tangerine who was now arguing with Kageyama.

"Thank you so much! I'll get her stuff after we eat!" was his bright reply and Kageyama smiled knowing that Hinata was grateful that he could keep Natsu with him since his home situation wasn't good.

It's always the brightest ones who have seen the most darkness. 

Kageyama watched as you made sure everyone ate and spoonfed Hinata's sister. Everyone was glad because you had created a safe place for everyone here and had made your house feel like home.  

Tsukishima never moved too far from you and lovingly gazed at you as you helped clean up and sent everyone outside to go walk a bit then start playing. His last thought before he walked out of the door was-

She was a stranger last week...now she's irreplaceable.

Broken Smile (Haikyuu) Tsukishima Kei x Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now