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By the afternoon, everybody had arrived at Nekoma and now mostly everyone was gathered in an assembly hall to socialize.

You were informed of your shooting schedule by your agent and so was Kuroo. He had significantly fewer hours to put in and you found yourself a tad bit jealous of the bed-headed captain. He was free to play volleyball for most of the day while you were going to be stuck working for most of the camp. Not to mention that you still needed to take care of your duties as manager.

It wasn't all bad though. Your agent handed you and Kuroo custom passes for all your friends who might want to watch you work. Kuroo handed the passes to his team. You gave passes to the entire Karasuno team including Kiyoko and Yachi, members of the Inarazaki team you were familiar with (the Miya twins, Suna, Kita, and Ojiro),  Oikawa and Iwazumi, Tendou and Ushijima, Bokuto and Akaashi, and Terushima.

You were searching for your 2 friends from Itachiyama when you were almost swept away by their team. They were eager to know the person who had managed to befriend their germaphobe ace along with his cousin and had invited all of them to this training camp. Their captain was about to pull you aside to speak with you but thankfully Komori came into the room and noticed. 

"(Y/n)! I've missed you!" He stole you away from the crowd. "How're you doing? And Kiyoomi is in the shower, you know how he is. He did promise to come to see you later when it's less crowded and he's clean."
You smiled at the libero, "I sort of expected that Komori-San. Here, now both of you can come to see me anytime you feel like it." You hand him 2 passes. One with his name on it, the other with Sakusa's.  Grateful, he smiles at you, and you both part ways since you needed to leave for a photo shoot.

Things were going smoothly at the shoot so far. You were posing in black leggings and a plain white jersey. After several frames, you were dismissed for the day and there you were faced with the one and only Sakusa Kiyoomi, who was waiting for you with his mask on and an impatient look on his face.

"Hey!" You picked up a bottle of sanitizer and rubbed some into your hands as you walked over to him.

Sakusa smiled under his mask when he saw you and gave you a hug which confused you for a bit but you let him hold you in his warm embrace and returned it. "You okay?" You mumble into his shirt which smelt like detergent. "You generally don't do hugs, but I'm clean. Just to let you know."

"The desire to hug you was greater than my fear of germs anyways." He said smiling as he pulled away and took off his mask, revealing a happy smile which was dampened by his next words, "I saw the news, is it true? You'll be playing soon?"

You nod slowly, "I guess."

"But your wounds-"

"Are going to be okay, Omi. Stop worrying and come sit with me for a bit. I need to get this makeup off anyways. Wanna help?"

Sakusa sighed and took the makeup removal wipes beside you and cleaned off your face as you closed your eyes and thought back to the past where you broke through the germaphobe's walls.


You had just been released from the hospital and were weak and depressed to the bone. Your coach had forced you to at least attend the training camp that you had been invited to.  So with your battered, frail body you went to the camp and acted as the manager for the guys training. But you had to keep your distance from most people and take great care so your wounds wouldn't get infected. You kept a mask on at almost all times and had to keep your clothes and body very clean. Everyone knew that you were just out of the hospital and needed to take extra precautions at the moment, they respected that.

You were watching the boys play when one male had started to feel queasy and proceeded to throw up on the court. He had eaten something that upset his stomach before the game. Horrified, a certain player named Sakusa Kiyoomi backed away from the court faster than the rest with an ashen face. You followed him out to a storage closet where he was having a panic attack. "Germs... go away...please. There are germs everywhere!" 

You pulled up the mask that you had on and took out the small bottle of sanitizer in your pocket then rubbed it on your hands. After which you offered it to Sakusa who was having trouble breathing. He vigorously rubbed it on his hands up to his elbows.

He was still hyperventilating and you took his hands and squeezed them repeatedly, "Hey...look at me, into my eyes. Let's just breathe. We're clean and quarantined at the moment. Breathe in for 4...hold for 7...and out for 10." You helped Sakusa breathe as you remind him that he was safe. 

"I can't play on that court." He mutters as he calms down.

"Sakusa-san. You can't just leave now just because of an incident. You fight your fear of germs whenever you play on your court,  it's just that this time the opposition seems a little stronger."

Kiyoomi shook his head, "But it's been contaminated now."

"And cleaned. Tell me do you want to continue to play or let your opponent win."

He looks at you with a strange emotion in his eyes, "I want to play volleyball. It's my life...but I can't be near the germs. I want to play but...I -I...can't."

"You can, Sakusa-san. I know you can. You've done this many times before. Come on, say it with me...' my desire to play volleyball is greater than my fear of germs.' "

He breathes in and out and whispers the words under his breath.

You continue to lightly squeeze his hands, "It's been cleaned and disinfected. Say it louder. Come on, I know you can do it."

"My desire to play volleyball is greater than my fear of germs." He says with more conviction before repeating it again with confidence. 

Then he gives you a rare smile and leaves the closet. You follow and watch him mouth the same sentence to himself before playing again. After that incident, he started spending more time with you and introduced you to his cousin.  By the time the camp was over, you were very close friends.


After Sakusa was done with cleaning your face you had a small chat then had to leave to help with the other managers.  He watched you go with a hint of sadness in his eyes. He was reminded of how he knew of your condition as he watched your figure retreat with his eyes glued to your back.


It was a normal day at camp when Sakusa was just walking around trying to find a specific storage closet that had bleach in it. It was close to the girl's quarters and he accidentally entered your room, mistaking it for the closet. You were changing the dressing of some of your wounds on your back, or at least trying to. He still remembered the fear-stricken expression on your face when he had come through the door and the panic in your eyes. At first, he was horrified at the mangled state you were in but then without question he had helped you disinfect and redress them. He was extra careful and gentle with you from then. He knew that something had broken you in more ways than one since you would avoid various topics or stiffen at even the slightest accidental touch. But he admired your strength as you kept going on. Despite everything, you weren't bitter and were so kind to everyone...well until they decided to try and hurt someone you cared for...then there was no stopping you from roasting them till they broke down. 

Long story one ever made fun of him for being a germaphobe after you were through with the first person who tried, that person ended up leaving camp and had yet to appear in court again.


 You had certainly grown from whatever had done that to you. He was proud. He had never pried into what had so deeply hurt you since he could see that you weren't ready to tell him about it. So he did what he could and kept being there for you.

Not all germs are bad, she's one of the good ones. She's the only germ I'll tolerate.

Broken Smile (Haikyuu) Tsukishima Kei x Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now