Chapter 1: Recruitment Day..

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Famous Singaporean choreographer, & KPop cover artist, Hafiz had been instructing the latest batch of Now United candidates with a KPop-inspired choreography under the watchful eye of his boss, Mr Simon Fuller, from morning till noon. After their lunch break, Hafiz decided it was assessment time and, one by one, the candidates did their best to impress the judging panel of which Hafiz was part. He had already had an eye on one of the boys, Krystian Wang Nanjun from China, from the moment he saw the pointy-eared lad but kept it discreet so as to avoid scaring him off. So Hafiz was expecting nothing but perfection when it came to his eye candy's turn; by the time Krys stopped dancing, Hafiz was so blown away by the boy's natural talent that he persuaded the other panelists to put Krys high on their list of considerations.

When it came to Josh Beauchamp & Noah Urrea's turns, Hafiz was equally impressed with their natural talents as were the other panelists. So, after an hour or so of a somewhat heated discussion amongst themselves in a private room, they told Mr Fuller about their unanimous picks; the old man smiled as he suspected that Hafiz wanted Krystian to be on the team very badly. Later that evening, Mr Fuller announced that Josh, Noah & Krystian would be the newest additions to Now United. Needless to say, Hafiz was over the moon and quickly pulled the 3 boys in for a congratulatory hug. "Hey, fellas. I'm Hafiz, one of your main choreographers. Congrats!! Admittedly, I played a big role in your selection as I could tell that all three of you are naturals in what you do," Hafiz greeted as he complimented the trio, who all smiled and laughed before Krystian replied, "Gee, thanks Hafiz. It's an honour to finally meet you; we've also heard quite a fair bit about you and your career."

Hafiz merely smiled, "Thanks, boys. Now come on, time for a group photo with your senior members!! Yo Sab!! Wait up!!" Sabina laughed, "About time you let them go, Hafiz!! Okay.. Three, two, one.. CHEESE!!!" The other auditonees laughed at this interaction, even though the majority of them didn't make it in. After Mr Fuller had debriefed them, Hafiz then turned to face them & said, "Thank you all for coming today. Y'all are such amazing dancers, but sadly, the group is full for now. Rest assured that we'll be doing this again in due time, so keep an eye out!"

Later that night, Hafiz bought the boys out for dinner away from the girls, much to Any's chagrin. Upon being called out for it, Hafiz responded, "Hey.. All this while, you girls have had your nights out and I've always let y'all be; for once, let me and the boys have a turn. Okay?" As the quartet were having a good time getting to know one another better over dinner, Krystian asked Hafiz rather openly, "So.. You're from Singapore, right? Aren't you supposed to be doing, what you call it, National Service?" Hafiz shook his head, "Not if you declare that you're gay or otherwise have congenital conditions like heart problems or anything like that." Josh & Noah were taken aback, before the former asked, "So essentially you're a gay Muslim?" "Pretty much, Josh, but my family accepts me fully and they even allowed me to bring guys home for sleepovers or whatever." Noah smiled, "That's awesome, man!! You can be yourself even when around them. I wish more Muslim families would be like yours." "Yeah, well, to each their own. Now, come on, let's finish this up."

After the bill was split evenly among the quartet, Hafiz let Josh & Noah walk slightly ahead of him as Krystian wanted to talk to him privately. Once they were out of eavesdropping range, Krys began as Hafiz listened attentively, "Even before Josh asked that question during dinner, I could already tell you're gay. You kept looking at me the whole day; you probably thought I won't notice, but I actually did. And to be honest, I've started questioning my sexuality because of that. Before joining Now United, my dating experiences with the opposite sex were, um, interesting to say the least. I've never dated nor done anything with a guy before, but you keeping your attention on me today has now made me somewhat confused." Hafiz was basically speechless throughout Krystian's explanation, but managed to regain his composure before replying, "Did I make you feel uncomfortable, Krys? I sincerely apologize if I did. It's just that I've never seen a guy so adorably hot and talented yet humble and sweet. You made my heart flutter the moment I laid eyes on you this morning, and it hasn't stopped since. I know it's your first day with Now United, but I hope you can stay with us for the long term."

Krys smiled as he suddenly pecked Hafiz's cheek, "Ouh, I'm not going anywhere, my boy. I think I'm starting to like you, but let's take it slow and keep it a secret between us at least for now. Would that be okay?" Hafiz blushed & smiled upon receiving that unexpected peck from his new crush, but nodded excitedly anyway as he cheekily slid his hand under Krys's shirt sleeve, causing the latter to chuckle. The naughty choreographer finally said, "Mmmm, you shave. I love that in a guy." Krys blushed as he let Hafiz's hand slide back out before they finally caught up to Noah & Josh. "Hey, what took you so long? We've been waiting here for nearly fifteen minutes, and the girls are already making noise about when we're gonna be back." Hafiz panicked, "In that case, LAST ONE THERE OWES US TWENTY PUSH UPS!! HAHAHAHA!!" The boys began racing one another to their dorm, with Noah surprisingly being last. As per Hafiz's 'punishment', he quickly did 20 push ups before getting back on his feet & panted, "Man!! I've not run that fast in ages!" "Good thing I'm your choreographer then, cause I happen to be a running coach as well. Surprise!!" Krystian gasped, "Ouh shit!! We're so screwed!!" Hafiz merely laughed it off, "Not to worry. I'll be doing progressive training so you guys can slowly build up your running stamina. C'mon, let's hit the showers." Krystian then shyly whispered, "Can I shower with you?" A shocked Hafiz then answered, "I thought we agreed to take it slow. Hmm, well, what better way to kick it off than by showering together? Alright, you can. Come on."

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