Chapter 4: Summer in the City Part 1

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After about 5 days of filming their debut music video, Summer in the City, at Noah's hometown of Orange County, the Now United members were allowed to rest on Friday night so Hafiz took the opportunity to take his boyfriend Krystian out for their final dinner date in the County before eventually heading back to their room & making love for a couple of hours till they fell asleep in each other's arms. Strangely enough, the couple woke up the next morning approximately an hour earlier than the other 12 members so they spontaneously agreed to get even with them by startling them awake one after the other. After all, Any, Sabina & Sofya had already given the couple a few frights by catching them red handed, so Hafiz figured it was payback time. And sure enough, the couple got a huge laugh out of scaring the others with their respective scary masks.. "Hafiz!! Krystian!! You guys nearly made me pee in my pants," Shivani screamed after the couple had quietly snuck up on her while she was still asleep. This was pretty much the same reaction that the other girls, along with Noah, Josh, Bailey & Lamar, gave the couple after they'd been startled awake. Hafiz & Krystian quickly ran out as fast as they could with the others chasing them, but the couple proved too fast to be caught.

A while later, Hafiz & Krystian slowly made their way back and acted like nothing happened only to be faced with scruffed up looks on the others' faces. The couple looked at each other & then burst out laughing again. "You nearly made me wet my bed for the first time since I was 9, guys!! What a way to start our Saturday, huh??" Josh complained, to which Hafiz merely giggled before replying, "Y'all gave Krys and I a good few frights last time, so I figured we'd return the favor.." "With a demon mask for him and a Greek Medusa mask for me, at that," Krystian chimed in with a sly smirk on his face. Diarra facepalmed while shaking her head, "So our emotionally supercharged choreographer turns out to be quite the prankster and jumpscare master too, huh? Quite the irony." "Anyway, aren't we supposed to start filming in Edmonton on Monday?" Hafiz asked, changing the topic entirely. Just then, Simon showed up & answered, "You're right, Hafiz. Which is why I need you all to start packing your things; our flight to Edmonton takes off this evening," to everyone's surprise. Obliging to their manager's request almost immediately, the Now United members & their choreographers quickly packed up their belongings, with Hafiz and Krystian sharing a luggage bag while the 9 girls shared 3, the remaining boys shared two & the other choreographers plus Simon one bag each.

Later that day, after everyone had gotten their stomachs filled with hearty meals, the group made their way to the airport where they managed to check-in with a few hours to spare. As the boys gathered separately from the girls, Josh told them, "Guys, I can't wait to show you my hometown; I realize its name may be familiar to you as there's a duck billed dinosaur literally named after it, Edmontosaurus, but I'd love to show you as much of the city as possible. From my childhood haunts to my favorite place to chill." Hafiz smiled as he stroked his sleeping boyfriend's hair, "Judging by the photos you had previously shown us, it seems quite lovely." "It is; wait till you get the chance to meet my family, though. I'm sure my folks will be thrilled." Soon after closing the topic, the first call for the flight to Edmonton was heard and Now United, along with their choreographers and manager close behind, went to their designated berth to board the plane. Unsurprisingly, Hafiz & Krystian got to seat right next to each other, with Simon to Hafiz's left, while the other members were seated in rows of either 3 or 4. In the group chat, Sabina managed to text, "Looks like our kinky couple got lucky enough to sit next to each other, with our boss to our choreographer's left." Hafiz & Krystian giggled upon seeing her text before they both sent laughing emojis in response; they heard Sofya's facepalm almost immediately after, to which they merely laughed.

Over the next 8-9 weeks, this would have been pretty much the group's routine as they went from Orange County to Edmonton, followed by Helsinki, London, Karlrushe, Senegal and Cebu. In each city, the resident member had the privilege of being the group's personal tour guide even while filming, which wasn't without its fair share of bloopers & jumpscares (the latter mainly by Hafiz & Krystian). However, in between filming takes, said resident member would also give some trivia about their hometown to the others; on weekday evenings and/or weeknights, they'd be brought to local cuisine themed restaurants so that they could get a taste of the local food. Despite surprising everyone with his pickiness along the way, even during their quick two-day stopover in Singapore (on the way to Cebu) where Hafiz managed to introduce his boyfriend Krystian to his family with a positive response (and also convinced Now United to try out a few Singaporean dishes), the choreographer actually managed to adjust his appetite such that he had acquired a few favorite dishes from each city that were then compiled into a list. "I gotta try getting the ingredients for these dishes, or at least the closest approximate, so that I can cook them for us if I happen to be craving for any of them," Hafiz explained to Krystian as he was editing his Excel sheet in their hotel room, not long after the group had arrived in Cebu for their next round of filming. "I'm guessing your mum taught you how to cook before you joined us as our choreographer?" Krystian asked, to which Hafiz nodded before kissing his forehead. Krys then asked, "Since our next stop after Daejeon and Udaipur is Beijing, my home city, how would you like to meet my parents, hubby? Apparently, they've already suspected I might not be actually straight despite my string of ex-girlfriends." Hafiz saved his current Excel file & shut down his laptop as he paused to consider the offer; after a couple of minutes, he finally answered excitedly, "That's perfect!! You'll be our tour guide then, anyway, AND you'll get to introduce them to Now United plus me. I can't wait to meet your folks, baby!!" Krys smiled happily as he pulled his Malay boyfriend in for a makeout session which would turn hot & heavy rather quickly plus last half the night. The couple's moans even woke up some of the girls; Sabina rubbed her eyes a little bit as she rose next to Any, "It's still nighttime isn't it? Ugh, Hafiz and Krystian must be making love right now. Ouh well, back to sleep for me."

After Bailey had fulfilled his duties as the group's personal tour guide for their Cebu stop that week, Simon agreed to let them spend a relaxing weekend by the beach to recharge their batteries before traveling to the remaining 7 cities on the list. Needless to say, Hafiz took the opportunity to not only flaunt his chiseled body but also the signature tattoo on his back, an Ankh of Ra with a bloodied sword blade attached to the bottom. "Hafiz!! You have THAT big a tattoo on your back, and you never even showed it to us once!?" Heyoon exclaimed as Krystian was kissing his boyfriend on their beach mat. After the couple eventually broke their kiss, Hafiz finally turned around & answered, "I figured it wasn't that important; besides, work first, right?" "True, but still. I didn't know you have one; heck, most of us didn't." "But I did," Simon chimed in, "Hafiz showed me his tattoo right before I hired him as one of the requirements for his job role is that any existing tattoos must be hidden away when wearing a shirt. This is in order to maintain a professional look." Krys also added on, "On the day I joined, I saw my boyfriend's tattoo as well and he gave me a perfect reason he had it done on his back; it reflects his protectiveness towards the people he loves and cares about, including me most of all." The girls gushed at how sweet Hafiz could be, while Josh added on, "As the 'guy' in the relationship, I guess it makes sense for Hafiz to be protective of his baby bottom Krystian."

Hafiz nodded in agreement, "Right on, Josh! Right on! Now, let's all take a splash!" The group closed the topic by jumping into the sea together, leaving the other choreographers and Simon behind to watch over their stuff though the old man didn't seem to mind it too much; he'd rather work on his tan than end up shivering after spending some time wading in the sea. Hafiz & Krystian also took this as an opportunity to begin skinny-dipping, albeit someways away from the others for privacy's sake. By evening, the group had washed & dried themselves proper before heading back to their hotel for a good night's rest. The interracial couple, however, slept late by catching up on their games.

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