Chapter 17: Trouble???

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Whilst the rest of NU sans a few members were in Mexico for their much-anticipated reunion, Hafiz helped Krystian ready himself for Youth With You Season 3 by going through refresher sessions for possible choreographies that could be chosen for the trainees to dance to. Among these was Kick It, one of Krys's personal favorites; he even brought it up during one of their sessions, "Hubby, can we please dance to NCT's Kick It?? You know I love that song as much as you do." Hafiz smiled & nodded, "Of course, my love. Why not?" The couple spent about an hour getting the steps spot on, though they ended up aroused by the end of the session. Hafiz licked his lips seductively & quickly carried his fiancé to their now-shared bed to engage in some kinky foreplay; Krys rolled his eyes as he had already gotten used to it by this point in their relationship. This turned into an intense lovemaking session that lasted half the night, after which the couple dozed off naked in each other's arms.

A few weeks later, Krystian was called to begin his training in Youth With You; what he didn't know, however, was that Hafiz had been picked to be the show's Dance Judge while BlackPink's Lisa maintained her position as the Dance Mentor. During the premiere episode, the other mentors made themselves known one at a time while Hafiz waited his turn; after Lisa's introductory video, during which he could clearly hear Krystian's enthusiastic shouts, Hafiz took a deep breath & slowly walked onto a blacked out stage. Fittingly enough, SuperM's Monster played in the background as the stage lights came back on to show Hafiz dancing to the lyrics word for word, causing Krystian to squeal in surprise, "OMG!!!! HUBBY!!!!" The trainees seated around him all looked at him in shock, with one even asking, "You KNOW HIM!?" "Yeah, he's one of Now United's choreographers and also my fiancé." After the song ended, Hafiz began his speech, "Hello, everyone. Some of you may have heard of me from my works with Now United, and even one of you is going to be my future husband. But in all seriousness, my purpose here as Dance Judge is to ensure that whatever choreographies you've been given to dance to are executed perfectly. I'm looking for a few key aspects, which are synchronisation, transitions, teamwork and overall feel. I'm a perfectionist by nature, so my expectations will be very high. Good execution isn't good enough; I expect nothing less than perfection from you guys. Krystian, you know this better than anyone, right?" Krystian shyly nodded as his fiancé continued, "Anyway, I hope you'll be able to learn more about yourselves and bond with one another over the next few months or so throughout this season. Rest up, and ready yourselves. Goodnight."

Hafiz managed to blow a kiss at Krystian as he walked backstage, causing the latter to blush shyly. Over the next couple of days, the trainees got to showcase their talents with their respective initial groups on stage with the mentors & Hafiz judging. Given the season's rules, only 3 grades could be handed out to the groups; Hafiz relished in this opportunity to critique or praise the performances but he did his best to be unbiased when it came to Krystian's group performing Tiger. Gulping slightly, he began, "Considering this is your first performance together, you guys did an incredible job. I felt the intensity and ferocity of the song, which is rather thematic. The overall execution was great, but needs a little bit of improvement. Grade A. Krystian, as always, you surpass my expectations even when I least expect it. This is why I need you to lead by example so that the other trainees can improve themselves to get as close to your level as possible." Krystian smiled widely and bowed to his fiancé, with his teammates following suit.

In the following episodes, the trainees began showing themselves to be more than capable of meeting Hafiz's expectations, much to the choreographer's surprise. However, the actions of one particular trainee during a team selection process would incur Hafiz's wrath; while he was away discussing some dance-related matters with Lisa over Zoom, Tony had been given the chance to choose who to join his team to perform NCT 127's Kick It under the watchful eyes of the other mentors. Despite Krystian desperately wanting to be chosen to the point he literally flashed his nametag, Tony completely ignored him & instead chose another trainee. Krystian was devastated & had a small breakdown as a result; due to their solid bond, Hafiz immediately sensed what had happened & told Lisa, "Lisa, I'm sorry, but can we continue this later? Something urgent just came to my attention." "Okay, Hafiz, don't be too long now." After ending the call, Hafiz immediately ran to Krystian's location & went to comfort him, much to everyone else's shock. "Baby!! What happened? Why are you crying?" "Hubby, Tony completely ignored me and picked other guys instead to join his team that will perform Kick It." "I'll avenge you and make him pay for this right now!!" Hafiz exclaimed as he immediately went topless to attack Tony & beat him to a pulp while venomously chastising him for his arrogance; amazingly enough, the other mentors didn't seem to bat an eyelid nor call for assistance let alone security.

After approximately ten minutes, Hafiz felt satisfied with the beatdown he had inflicted upon Tony, who by this point had earned himself several broken bones & a dislocated lower jaw. "You're lucky I spared you this time around, you cocky son of a bastard!! I hereby give you a grade F and blacklist you from the competition. I'll ensure that your career opportunities are few and far in between even after your full recovery; with this, I hope you'll learn to be more careful about your actions in future. I've already put you on my personal watchlist, so you better keep it together; if you do this again, you won't be so lucky. MEDICS!! Get this motherfucking jackass to the hospital NOW!!" Hafiz promptly walked away from the mess he'd caused while cracking his knuckles and spine; the cleaners immediately went in to remove all evidence of the incident, and luckily for them, the footage had been edited to exclude Tony altogether. As a result of this particular incident, Krystian finally got to join the team that would perform Kick It; he was over the moon & kissed Hafiz gratefully, "Thank you, hubby, for taking extreme measures to ensure I get what I need; your methods may be violent at times, but if it means getting the job done, I'm okay with it." Not long after the incident, Hafiz saw to it that all records of Tony in the database were completely erased, even the initial photos. Even Lisa was unaware that Tony had suddenly disappeared, so when Krystian's group came to rehearse Kick It, she gave them a few additional tips.

So when the time finally came, Krystian gave it his all knowing Kick It was a mutual favorite song of his & Hafiz's; the latter even commended, "Looks like our time spent rehearsing this particular song prior to this truly paid off, didn't it, my baby vampire?" Krystian blushed & nodded a yes; the other mentors gushed & laughed at the couple's interaction. Hafiz then continued, "Great effort, guys; y'all managed to do justice to the original choreography. I'm sure NCT will be proud of you guys. Grade A. Y'all can go rest for the night; to the audience watching from home, don't forget to vote, okay?! If there are any Uniters amongst you, please continue voting for Krystian; he needs all of your support, alright?" The following weekend, Hafiz called Krystian over to his room in a quiet corner of the Youth With You residence. "Baby vampy, I've missed our intimate moments since this show began; I can't even sneakily bring you out on dates, so this is the least I can do to ensure we get a bit of quality time to ourselves," said Hafiz as he locked the door, with Krystian already naked & waiting, to begin the couple's first lovemaking session in weeks. Needless to say, the sexual tension could be felt by anyone who happened to walk by the choreographer's room; even two of the mentors shook their heads as they looked at each other, "Hafiz and Krystian going at it? Definitely, but they're a couple so it's expected, right?"

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