Chapter 14: Fluffy's.. BROTHER!?

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Ever since the surprise proposal made global headlines, even though the follow up official ceremony was kept under wraps, Hafiz & Krystian had been facing numerous questions by Uniters on social media including the wedding date. Despite initially feeling overwhelmed by the bombardment from the Uniters, the couple eventually took over Now United's Instagram stories as a way to explain to the fans while assuring them that things were going smoothly. The fans continued to gush at how adorable the couple were in their matching clothes, but some asked when Krys was going to perform with his co-members again. Hafiz smiled as he answered, via an IG Live broadcast using Now United's account, with Krystian by his side, "Not to worry, everyone. My baby vampire here will be shooting his part for an upcoming music video, Chained Up, soon enough. Once filming is done, we will let y'all know again. Now, are there any other questions for us?" One fan openly asked who's the top in the relationship; Hafiz facepalmed & laughed as he replied with a smirk, "Gay fan alert!! Haha! Well, I'm the top & Krys is the bottom. Plain and simple. As for whether we use condoms, that's a flat out no; we trust each other completely and regularly get tested. So far, all clear. If there are no further questions, Krys and I would like to thank everyone for joining our live today. We're heading out to get some supplies for our, ehem, pet munchkin Fluffy; rest assured, y'all will get to see her soon. Take care, everyone."

While they were out with Fluffy in tow, Hafiz felt buzzing from inside his pocket & checked his phone. A few Uniters had found his Instagram account and DMed him directly, all asking to see Fluffy. "Hang on, my love. Some Uniters can't wait to see our big girl here, apparently. Come on, Fluffy. Purr for papa a little bit, just a bit please. Attagirl!!" Hafiz recorded a short video of his furry daughter's antics & promptly sent it to the Uniters who'd asked nicely about it. They immediately replied, "AAAAWWWWW!!!! SHE'S SO CUTE!!! Thank you for letting us see her, even if just for a while.." Hafiz smiled as he sent a smiling emoji in response before continuing on his way with his fiancé & their furry daughter. As they reached the pet shop where Hafiz had initially bought Fluffy from, the cat meowed suddenly to the couple's shock; Hafiz gasped, "Baby girl! What's wrong?? You hungry? Or do you see someone familiar in there? Wanna go have a look?" Fluffy purred as she rubbed her head against her papa's leg; Hafiz chuckled, "That tickles, baby girl. Okay, okay. Let's go inside and have a look."

Krystian merely shook his head as he looked on briefly before following them into the shop to get a few new packets of cat food; meanwhile, Hafiz managed to catch up with Fluffy who was meowing at another munchkin that was still in its cage. "Hey... Is this the familiar face you saw or sensed from outside, baby girl?" Fluffy nodded; Hafiz smiled as he stroked her neck, "Aawwww, you must either be friends or family. I can't believe you still remember this one." "That's because Bruce here is Fluffy's brother, Hafiz," the pet shop owner chimed in, startling the choreographer slightly. "Her brother!? What happened to their mother??" "Passed away from old age a while ago. Bruce here didn't wanna follow anyone home, no matter how hard we tried." Hafiz suddenly began sobbing as the feeling of guilt sank in, "Ouh no!! Now I feel so bad for separating these siblings; I'm so sorry for taking your sister away from you, Bruce. Can you ever forgive me? If you want, I'll bring you home so you can reunite with her." Bruce purred, apparently for the first time in a long while, shocking the shop owner who then remarked, "I think he understands you, Hafiz, but he hasn't purred like that in ages!! He seems happy to be given the chance to reunite with your baby girl here."

Krystian came back & asked what just happened, to which Hafiz replied with tears still in his eyes, "Baby... Our little girl here has a brother named Bruce and I separated them so I could make her a surprise gift for you... I feel so bad cuz their mother apparently passed on not long after I bought Fluffy home." Krys gasped & quickly went to comfort his crying fiancé, "Aaawww, hubby.. Don't cry; I'll call Ma and see if she can help us get Bruce home." A few minutes later, Mrs Wang arrived at the shop to see her future son-in-law still crying & went to give him a comforting hug as she said, "Hafiz, it's okay. It's not your fault. There's no way you could've known. Now, where's this Bruce you've been telling me about, Nanjun?" Krys pointed at the male cat's cage; his mum smiled, "Come on out, Bruce. It's okay; you can stay with us from now on and play with your sister all day." Bruce purred and walked out to sniff Mrs Wang's hand before licking it; Hafiz saw this & quickly wiped away his tears, "Aaaawwwww, come on now, buddy. Let's get you home; how's that for a happy reunion, ey, Fluffy??" Fluffy purred as she playfully bit her brother's ear; both Mrs Wang & the couple smiled before the former eventually got things done so they could bring Bruce home.

Upon reaching home, Bruce and Fluffy immediately chased each other into the house as Hafiz hugged Mrs Wang, "Thank you for helping us reunite the siblings, Ma. I felt so guilty for separating them both just so I could surprise Krystian the other day for his birthday." She smiled and returned the hug, "That's what mothers, and mother-in-laws, are for, Fiz. Nothing to worry about anymore, except for maybe the kitchen utensils." Hafiz & Krystian laughed at that as they kissed before following Mrs Wang into the house; they eventually got Bruce & Fluffy to lay down on their stomachs while they lazed on the sofa. Bruce was a bit hesitant at first, but after some persuasion on Hafiz's part, he relented and leapt onto the choreographer's stomach to sleep while Fluffy was already snoozing away on her daddy Krystian's lap. The latter smiled, "Nothing like reunited sibling munchkins to make our day, right, hubby?" Hafiz smiled as he caressed Bruce's neck & nodded in agreement.

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