Chapter 18: The One To Beat??

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After Tony's termination from Youth With You Season 3, the other trainees finally had their chance to vy for the top spot but Krystian was fast proving himself to be the new hot favorite as Uniters from all over the world began voting for him on the IQiYi app as per Hafiz's request. As a result, people's expectations of Krys only got higher over time; he seemed to be coping well on the surface, but internally, he was beginning to crack if not for Hafiz's timely intervention. Hafiz comforted his fiancé while in the former's bedroom, "I feel like it's my fault that you're stressing up like this, my beloved baby vampire. I'm truly sorry for what you're facing, but we're gonna get married soon, right? I'm your hubby, and it's my responsibility to help you in any way I can. You know I'm always here for you if you need to talk to me in private, correct?" Krys merely nodded as he replied, "Hubby, I'm not blaming you at all, okay? You know how I'm like; I go all out to strive to be the best there is." "I know, sayang, but please try not to push or punish yourself too hard, okay?" Krys smiled & kissed Hafiz passionately, "I'll do my best, hubby. Thank you. I love you so much." Hafiz smiled, "Love you too, my baby."

Krystian then became such a hot favorite that during the subsequent team selection processes, he was in high demand to join various performance teams. Bearing in mind what Hafiz had told him previously, Krys was careful not to join teams that had lower-ranked trainees but rather those with members who'd proven themselves to be on a similar level to him. During one of his most recent stage performances, Krystian invested a lot of energy into delivering a perfect choreography and his band mates actually held their own very well. By the end, Hafiz gushed as he remarked, "Holy crap!! That was bonkers!! Y'all make me so proud; not only did you prove to me that you're capable of reaching a similar level to Krystian, but you guys also held your own even when he wasn't leading the dance. I'm truly delighted to have seen you guys progress so much in less than a month! Well done, everyone. Grade A. As for you, my love.. Well, what can I say? You keep surprising me even though we've been together for close to four years now. I'm glad to see that you've been listening to my advice consistently; I need you to keep it up and always remember to he humble no matter what. Am I understood?" Krys nodded before the start of a random Q&A session centering around Lisa.

One by one, his band mates asked the resident Dance Mentor a question for her to answer; her replies mainly drew monotonous reactions, but it was during Krystian's turn that had even the viewers giggling. He asked her which anime character she liked; Hafiz knew that Krys was referring to Japanese anime series like Bleach & Naruto. However, instead of giving either of those as her answer, Lisa said she likes Tom and Jerry; this induced laughter from even the other mentors & Hafiz couldn't help but cackle. "Girl!! Krys was referring to characters from JAPANESE anime or manga series like Naruto, Bleach and Attack On Titan, not cartoons in general," Hafiz chimed in, causing the idol to feel silly, “Oh my gosh, I feel so bad now for not hearing the question properly. Um, I'm not really sure, to be honest, but if I had to choose one in particular, it'd be Ash from Pokémon." Hafiz facepalmed, to much laughter from the others, "As predicted, since Pokémon and Digimon are popular worldwide. Okay, Lisa, that's fair enough."

Meanwhile, the other Now United members had filmed the music videos for Fiesta & Turn It Up while in Mexico; they could've all gone to California next together had it not been for 3 of the members facing visa issues. Hafiz caught wind of this & pulled a few strings to ensure they could rejoin the others in Noah's home state; needless to say, Josh was relieved when Hafiz told him about this via Zoom, "Damn, bro!! How did you manage to solve the visa issues for Bailey, Sofya & Shiv so quickly??" "Well, owing to my global travels prior to becoming your choreographer, I've built up for myself a substantial network of contacts from various global industries who I can tap into whenever their help is needed. Fortunately, I have at least five friends working in the airline industry, including two who handle travel visas, so I called on them to help settle the problem for me. Eventually, though, I'll have to return them the favor one way or another." "Bro!!! Thank you so much!!! Let's call them right now.." As soon as Bailey, Sofya & Shiv joined, Hafiz exclaimed, "Surprise!! Your visas to California are good to go!! And your flight there is also already booked; the three of you are taking off in 5 hours!!" The trio yelped in shock as Bailey asked, "Fiz!! How the hell did you--!? You're still in China with Krystian, right?" "I still am, but.. I've two contacts who just so happen to be handling travel visas of all kinds AND another three in the airline industry, so I asked them for help with yours. Now, get moving already, you three!! The clock's ticking; hurry up or you'll miss that flight!!" Sofya screamed in delight, "Oh my god, thank you so much, Fiz!!!!! This means we can join Noah and the others. Come on, you two. Let's get going!!" "Enjoy your flight to Cali!! Before you go, Krys and I both miss y'all so much!!" "We miss you so much too, Fiz.. Gotta go, and thanks again! Bye!"

After the Zoom call ended, Hafiz felt satisfied that he could still help Now United, via his contacts, even though he was basically stuck in China until further notice. His only hope was for them to be able to fly to Beijing once they were done in California, as he really wanted to see them show their support for Krystian. He went over to his fiancé's dorm & knocked on the door. "I know it's you, hubby, you can come in," said Krys as he was brushing his teeth in his bathroom. Hafiz promptly entered & hugged Krys tightly around the waist from behind before nibbling on the latter's ears and neck, "Mmmmmmm, baby... You're always so sexy for me.." "Hubby.... What's going on?" Krys moaned, to which Hafiz replied, "I'm horny. But before we get to that, I just wanted to let you know that your NU co-members are done filming MVs for Fiesta and Turn It Up; they're now on the way to California for a bootcamp of some sort. Bailey, Sofya and Shiv had visa problems, but thanks to my contacts, their visas are good to go and they'll be rejoining the others soon as well." "Aaaawwwww, that's really nice of you. I'm glad you're part of the NU family, hubby. I love you." "I love you too, my baby vampire." As soon as the couple exited the bathroom, Krystian locked his dorm door so that their lovemaking session would be uninterrupted.

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