Chapter 8

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Toni POV:

"I guess that means we both like pussy." I smirked, loving the fact that I made her so visibly uncomfortable with that line.

"I- uh- yeah, I guess so," She blushed and looked down at her plate.

How powerful I felt in that moment, making the HBIC embarrassed with a mere sentence. I had heard that she was a huge bitch, yet..with me she was so kind. Could that mean she possibly liked me a little more than everyone else? I could only wish.

The redhead cleared her throat and recomposed herself.

"So, it's getting a little late, don't you think? Want me to give you a ride home?" She offered with a kind smile on her face.

"I, uh, actually I texted my friend to come pick me up," I explained.

"Oh, okay," Cheryl frowned for a second, then brightened up again.

"I'll see you at school soon!"

"Yeah," I grinned as we both got up from the booth. We called for the check then put our money down.

I noticed, as I was putting a tip, that I didn't have much cash on me. Maybe I could go work a short shift tonight...

The two of us walked outside the diner, and waited by Cheryl's red car for a minute till Sweet Pea pulled up on his motorcycle.

"Hey Tiny, hey Red," He greeted us and tossed me a spare helmet, I caught it and put it on.

"It was nice hanging out with you again Cher," I cringed as I realized I let a nickname slip. What if she didn't like nicknames?

But that didn't seem to be the case, as her smile only grew wider.

"It was nice hanging out with you too, TT," She blushed.

"TT? I like that," I smirked, then waved as Sweetpea pulled away from the diner.

Cheryl POV:

I couldn't help but fall hard and fast for this girl. I didn't want to bring my walls down again, ever again, but I subconsciously had already.

After Toni her tall serpent friend left, I hopped into my bright red car and drove to Thistle House down an empty highway, with the sunset cascading over the sky. To be completely honest, I was afraid to go back after all the harm my mother had inflicted upon me, but did I have a choice?

I didn't want to burden anyone with the responsibility of having me over, so I decided I would just have to suck it up and face the music.

My plan was to ignore my cursed birth giver if she was home, go to my room, complete my homework, then rest up for the next school day.

I parked in Thistle House's roundabout and quietly made my way into the house and up the stairs. So far so good.

Then the devil reincarnate's face popped up around the hallway corner. Fuck. I ran to my room and closed the door, locking and barricading it with a brass chest that had some old belongings in it. My heart was beating in my chest and my breathing was heavy.

After that encounter I was so desperately trying to avoid, I shakily made my way over to my desk and did my homework. A few hours later I was passed out on my canopy bed, with nothing on but an oversized t-shirt.

Toni POV:

It was strange, having a school morning routine for the first time in a solid few years. I woke up at seven, took a quick shower, changed, and drove over to the diner I was growing to love more and more with each visit.

Aside from the amazing food, the booths in Pop's now held happy memories for me, and I reminisced them as I waited for my to-go meal; french toast and strawberry lemonade. After my tiring shift last night, I was glad to feel the heaviness of my wallet weighing down my jacket pocket.

After a few quick bites and sips of my breakfast, I drove over to Riverdale High on my motorcycle.

I felt more content than I had in a while, and blocked out the current cons in my life, focusing on the friends and potential more-than-crush who greeted me as I arrived. Sweetpea, Kangs (👀), and Cheryl all said hi and started chatting as we walked in the building.

I was happy that Cheryl was being kind to them too, and even happier that I hadn't listened to all the bad and clearly false rumors debating Cheryl's hospitality.

The redhead was almost glowing from the sunlight entering through the hallway windows, and I couldn't help but admire her beauty. Her flaming red hair, honey brown eyes, and porcelain white skin all complimented each other perfectly, and I felt extremely lucky that I had gone on more than one date with her.

Speaking of the dates, I wondered if it would soon be time to move on to the next stage of this...relationship.

We had been texting regularly now, sending sweet little messages and pictures. I felt my adoration for her growing immensely as time passed. Even though it had been only a short period of time since I met the Blossom, I felt so connected it was as if we had known each other for years. I smiled with pure gratitude towards whatever force had allowed this angel to be apart of my life, especially after all the loss I had endured through over the years.

All these thoughts decided my previous lingering question for me. I was going to ask Cheryl Blossom to be my girlfriend.

A/N: short filler/fluff chapter but now that i no longer have writers block i can actually write stuff

comment what you want to see happen next ->

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